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It has been 2 weeks since we found out about Brooklyn's cancer. She started her treatments last week but the doctors are still saying its too early to see if she is positively responding to medication. I spent most of my time occupying my mind and focusing on my schoolwork, whenever I'm not with Brooklyn. I explained my situation to Mr.Matthews. Surprisingly I am taking the cancer news much better than Lucas. Lucas spends most of his time locked in our room crying. Don't get me wrong I cry all the time but he is the most upset I have ever seen him.

On the other hand, my relationship with Brooklyn is much better. I am really starting to step up as a mother. I know I am not totally better but I am head and shoulders above where I used to be.

I was in the living room sitting on the ground with Brooklyn laying on a blanket in front of me playing with her toys. These are the moments that I forget that she has this horrible disease. She looks so happy and full of life but she has no idea what is really going on.

"Hello beautiful girl." I said rubbing Brooklyn's head. She gave me a toothless smile and I smiled back at her.

"She looks just like you."

When I heard that I quickly turned my head around to see a very red puffy eyes Lucas wearing the same pajamas he has had on for the last week.

"Hey. How are you?" I said walking towards him with Brooklyn in my arms.

"Look Maya, I don't want to talk about it anymore because if I do I am just going to start crying again. I just want to spend time as a family for a couple hours can we just pretend everything is normal? Please?"

I nodded my head and walked back over to the couch. Lucas sat beside and I placed Brooklyn in his arms. He smiled down at her and I rubbed the back of his head.

"So, um, graduation is next week and Mr.Matthews said we can walk in the ceremony even though we still have a couple of assignments to finish." I said biting my lip.

"I think we should do it." He said grabbing my hand and looking deeply into my eyes.

"Really?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah. Really." I pulled him closer to me and pressed my lips to his.

"We should go out tonight. Just me and you." I said pulling away.

"Woah Maya, I don't know if we should leave her."

"Pleaseeeeee." I begged

We sat in silent for a moment before he sighed.

"Fine. But I promise I wont have fun." He said giving up. I couldn't help but giggle.

"Okay" I said getting up to get ready. I texted Riley and asked her if she could watch Brooklyn for a couple hours and of course she said yes.

I walked back out into the living room after about 45 minutes of getting ready to see Lucas ready to go, rocking Brooklyn in his arms.

"Hey handsome." I said walking towards him

"Well hello beautiful." He said


"Yeah. " He sighed. We dropped Brooklyn off at Riley's and went to the Italian place downtown for dinner.

We walked into the restaurant and the hostess gave us our table. Lucas and I started to make small talk as we looked over the menu. I was examining the entrees when I heard the people behind Lucas talking.

"Did you hear about Maya and Lucas' baby? She has cancer. Its so upsetting. The poor baby." A tall brunette said

"Eh they deserve it after having a baby so young." The boy sitting across from her said. I recognized them from school. I think we were juniors. Anger boiled inside of me. Before I could say anything. Lucas turned around in his chair.

"Excuse me?" He said. His voice full of rage.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry I didn't realize you were sitting there. Were so sorry. Arent we honey?" the brunette said

"I'm not. I stand by what I said. You. Deserve. It." The boy said

Lucas stood up. He walked infront of the man. He was full of rage and I knew something bad was going to happen. I stood up to calm Lucas but it was too late. He was already punching the boy.

"Lucas stop!" I said trying to pull Lucas off the boy.

I finally for him to calm down, with the help of three other waiters.

"You listen to me. You don't say another word about my family. You are nothing. I would wish that you had cancer but I see what that is like and I wouldnt wish that kind of torture on anyone. Not even a piece of trash like yourself. And for you to say that my daughter. My 5 month old daughter deserves to have cancer. Thats not right. So I am going to tell you this once and I am going to make myself clear. You stay away from my family and you keep your damn mouth shut about us.". Lucas said while holding the guy up by the collar of his shirt. He let him go and he slammed back into his chair and Lucas walked out of the door.

"Lucas! Lucas!" I screamed running after him but he wouldnt even turn around. I continued to run after him until my phone buzzed.

Just give me some time. Be home soon. Love you. -Lucas

I sighed and placed my phone back in my purse. I knew in order for Lucas to calm down he had to have some time alone. Of course every possible bad thought rushed through my head. Please be safe Lucas. Don't do anything stupid.

I sat on nearby bench just to think. A young girl who looked about the same age is me sat down next to me.

"Are you Maya Hart?" She asked. I looked up at her.

"Yes why?"

"My name is Amy James. We had math class together last year."

I started to remember her. She was one of the girls who sat in the back row and never said anything.

"Anyway, I just wanted to say, I heard about your daughter. And I just wanted to let you know that it will get better. My little brother had cancer. He was probably around the same age as your daughter. Its hard watching someone you love have to go through that but the day the beat cancer. Its a day you will never forget. I have faith that your daughter will beat cancer. Shes strong just like her mom."

Tears were welling in my eyes. Just to hear that someone other than Lucas or I thinks Brooklyn can beat cancer, gave me hope. And we all know how I feel about hope. I didn't say a word. Instead I just wrapped my arms around Amy and she hugged me back.

"Thank you."

Raising Brooklyn (Sequel to Baby on Board) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя