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The sound of a phone ringing woke Yoongi up from his sleep. He grabbed his phone and squinted at the bright light. He had managed to make out the caller ID as "Jiminie❣".

He quickly answered because there's no way in hell Jimin was just going to call him randomly.

"Oh Yoongi what's up"?

"Jiminie it's 3 in the fucking morning why are you asking me what's up"?

"I have a problem".

"Okay? What is it"?

"Okay so I went to the convenience store by our school because I remembered that I wanted to surprise you with a lot of gummy bears because I know you liked those and so I went up to the clerk to pay and the girl kept flirting with me and asking for my number which I plain out told her no thanks and she threatened to get "her boys" to jump me because I rejected her and I said "okay cool" and I guess she took it as I was disrespecting her but that's just my go to so I paid and left the store and I was walking back to my house when these guys kinda grabbed me and locked me in a storage closet thing that was apart of a building and because I'm very weak and I didn't really understand what they were doing I just let it happen. But they just walked away and stuff but I'm still kinda stuck in here. And I would've called the police or something but I don't really see the point of bringing the police in this so I've been sitting here for about 2 hours and I'm kinda tired but I didn't know who to call. But then I remembered that you knew how to pick locks so I called you. So um could you come help me"?

"Jesus fucking Christ Jimin where is this place I'm on my way".

After Jimin explained where he was, Yoongi had finally managed to find it.


"Oh hey Yoongi um i'm sorry but it's getting really cold in here so do you mind"? Yoongi heard Jimin's muffled voice.

Jesus how does this boy not mind that he just got locked up

He quickly pick locked the door and opened it to meet with Jimin quickly running into his arms.

"Jesus Jimin you're freezing what the fuck why didn't you call me sooner"?

"Oh um I didn't really want to wake you up because I know you don't like to be woken up so I was going to wait until you woke up for school but it was getting really cold so I just decided to call you". Jimin said, his face buried in Yoongi's chest and he was shaking.

"Well I'm for sure not fucking going to school now Jimin! You are coming home with me, I'm going to warm you up, then we are both going to fucking go to sleep and sleep all fucking day because I'm tired and cold so come on".

Jimin didn't let go of Yoongi and even tightened his arms around Yoongi's neck.

Yoongi unhooked Jimin's arms around him and held the shivering boy's hand as they walked to Yoongi's apartment.

It was silent the whole way, Yoongi too pissed at whoever did this to Jimin, and Jimin too cold
and worried about him pissing off Yoongi to talk.

When they finally made it into the apartment, Yoongi was quickly attempting to make some hot chocolate.

"W-well at least I got you up bright and early! Right Yoongi"? Jimin said trying to lighten the mood.

Yoongi instantly turned around and gave Jimin the dirtiest face he could muster.

"Jimin are seriously trying to make a joke right now? What if you never called me and those guys forgot about you? You would've been locked in there and I could've fucking lost you. Do you realize how scary that is to me? The idea of losing you scares the fucking shit out of me. The thought that I would never get another text asking me if I still liked you because you needed some reassurance to go to sleep. Or that I would never get to see your smile ever actually makes me feel terrible".

Jimin's head dropped to look at his hands on the table. He was shaking after thinking about the things that could've happened to him.

Yoongi sighed and quickly walked over to Jimin and pulled him up.

Jimin couldn't look Yoongi in the eyes for the fear that he would look to angry.

He cupped Jimin's face and rubbed his thumb across his cheekbone.

"Jiminie I just want you to be safe. And to realize that it's okay to ask for help".

Jimin looked up at Yoongi and made eye contact.

Jimin moved closer and Yoongi's eyes widened.


Before Yoongi could ask what Jimin was doing, his lips were connected to the others.

His eyes shut as his hands moved down to hold Jimin's waist, while Jimin's arms wrapped around Yoongi's neck.

Yoongi knew Jimin had absolutely no idea had to kiss so he just let him simply press his lips to his.

Jimin pulled away after a few seconds, his face felt like it was on fire and his heart was beating really fast.

He didn't know if Yoongi would be mad at him, but he let a smile grow on his face.

Yoongi's eyes widened and he stopped breathing. He got Park Jimin to smile.

Park Jimin.

The boy who he's low key been in love with since he was 14.

The boy who never once cracked a smile.

The boy who's only response to anybody was "that's cool".

The boy who he had to get his nerves to calm down just to send that first dm to him.

The boy who actually still liked him even though he was an asshole.

The boy who is the only one Yoongi has ever been nice to.

Park Jimin just fucking smiled.

Because of him.

That's Cool {Yoonmin} Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now