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Shit why did I agree to this? Here I am in one directions closet all because my friend faith dared me to steal underwear. Stupid I know, but if I did this she would let me have her car for a whole month. I think this is Harry's closet but I'm not sure. There's a few bananas around so...yeah it's Harry room. Who would have thought that me Chloe Sanders would be rummaging through one direction's underwear drawer. Now how I got here... That's a different story...

Flash back*

"Hurry up Chloe we don't wanna miss the bus!" Faith said with a squeal at the end. You see she has planed this whole set up where we sneak on one direction tour bus. I on the other hand just tagged along cause she's going to McDonalds afterwards. Don't get me wrong I LOVE one direction with a passion, but this plan she created just seemed impossible. We drove to- as she would call it - "the jackpot" she was calm while i on the other hand was about to have a heart attack as the bus came into view.

"Oh my gosh! There it is! " she "fangirled" in the driver's seat, causing the horn to go off. Why am I doing this when I could be at home watching American horror story reruns with my own McDonalds, then again, I wouldn't want to miss this either.

Each boy walked off the bus, my eyes being caught by the most gorgeous human being on the planet:

Niall Horan.

My pulse began to speed throughout my veins as they walked from the bus and into hotel, but faith quickly snatched back my attention,

"Look! Harry dropped something," she said pointing to the concrete. We both slowly got out of the car and ran over to the mysterious thing, quickly grabbing it and running back to the car.

I flipped the hard plastic card over in my hand, scanning I over the words and almost screaming from excitement.

"Its the boy's room key! " I shouted. She gasped and retrieved the small object, scanning over it for herself ; her face turned pale.

"Chloe do you know what this means...?"

"No, now can I get my McDonald's now?"

"Now is not the time for food C !"

"Hey! any time is food time ." I corrected faith but it seems like she wasn't listening so I sighed and rolled my eyes .

"We can sneak in there...." I couldn't here the rest because she started can fan girling. Sighing I pulled out a plastic brown bag and shoved it in her face.

"I'll go in there if you shut up!" I exclaimed

"Omg if you go in there I would literally give you my car for a week'' she challenged, sarcastically, but i was willing to actually take it farther.

" For a week?" i gasped, i absolutely love her car. Its like, really badass. a sleek black color and an engine that makes any man pur like a kitten, and god, i really need the male attention or im really going to be forever alone.

'' i was only joking, chloe.'' she laughed, rolling her eyes and tossing her hair back. i narrowed my eyes at her, smirking deviously as i let the idea flow.

"no, lets actually do this. If i go in there, and suceed , i get your car for a week. ''

"wait, how would i know your went in there? i need proof. and, of course , i still want to see them'' she winked. i gaged at her malicious thinking before actually coming up with an idea to prove myself.

" UNDERWEAR!" i shouted, accidently causing unwanted attention and probably made three small children deaf. Her face lit up like the stars before nodding rapidly up and down , jumping up and down.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2014 ⏰

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