Chapter 2: All about Will

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Laura's POV:
He was walking towards me and a dont know what the fuck am i going  to do or say.
Just say hi idiot.
Okok its just my ex, not a big deal
Of course its a big deal, you leave with no explanation of what happened.
When i turn again to see.
-Hey- Will said with his fucking and perfect smile .
-Hi- i said with no sense of emotions
-Sooo, how its everything with... you- he said trying to make a conversation
-You really dont have to do this- i said
- Doing what?- he said desperate - Trying to talk to the most incredible and beautiful girl a have ever known?- he saw me with his beautiful brown eyes - why?-
-Why what?-
-Why did you leave with any explanation? We were happy. Two years together and puff all its over- he said sad
And the bell rang
-Fuck- We said
We see each other with a smile and laugh
-I should go- he said looking his feet
-Yeah- I said a little disappointed

He turn around sad the way to his class and..
-Sorry- i said and he turn - Of what happened-
-Yeah- he sight- Im ok, i think-
-Really- he said with i forced smile
-Its because you seem different, You seem like b...-
-Broken?- he said- Yeah, a awesome girl break me, but i still like her- and turn around to live me in my locker.
I was standing there suprised. He still like me. I reaally cant believe, i though that he was really like angry and dissapointed with me, but he really isnt.
-Hey Cody - i said
- Shit -
-I told you, she is not funny anymore, well just with me because she love me- Fer said with a love face.
- Thats not true right Laura?- said Cody offended
- Jajaja i love you Cody, but not too much as I love Fer -
- Ja, told you- said Fer making fun of Cody and making silly faces
I hug Cody when he starts to "cry"
-Okok we need to go tooooooo.... Chemistry- I said looking in my class calendar

Here is my story with the perfect boyfriend.
We start dating 5 months before our first year of high school started, we had math class together so we meet each other and that was great. We were a normal couple , yes he was popular just because he was line backer in the football team, he wasnt the QB and I wasnt s cheerleader, I played football flags and I am not popular at all, Im just friendly.. I think so. Everything was love, fun, bed, obviously fights, etc. And 2 years later it happened this thing, that i am going to talk later, everything at its time. And i decided the best for both, I didnt want to break up, I still love him and he loves me, but I really cant and I have plans and I dont want to suffer more. Yes, more. I cried, Im broken just like him.

Omg i havent written anything since february.
Ok here is the second one and its longer so i hope you liked, tell me if you like it and im going to start writting more promise -IrisMendez6

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