The Very Beginning

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              It was around 6:07am in Dallas, Texas.
Alexis snuck out of the house trying not to wake her dad. She walked up to the old oak tree behind her house and sat down thinking of what she wanted her 15th birthday party to be like. She thought, " This has to be perfect, I really want Peter to notice me." "Maybe I should go and text Lola!" "She knows everything!!" 
           Quickly has ran but inside the house to a surprise. Her dad standing right in the main room that she ran into. She looked at him happily. And wanted him to return the same expression. But instead she got the opposite. "Where have you been young lady! You know quite well that teenagers you age get kidnapped!" Alexis' dad asked her in a stern tone. Alexis thought in her head, "I have to tell him the truth.. After all he can just cancel my party and then Peter wouldn't ever notice me!"
           Alexis replied, "Daddy I was only on that hill behind our house I didn't go into town." He let out a big sigh. He was very tired. " Alex go to bed now. It's 6 in the morning." "But dad!" Alexis moaned. "Alexis go back to bed do what you have to do later but not now you have school in a few hours and you need your-"
Alexis cut her dad off from what he was about to say. "Yeah yeah.. I know I need my sleep but I just wanna!" Then Alexis' dad gave her that face of now and I don't want to hear it.
            Alexis moaned again. Then walked back into her room and went into bed, thinking of how unfair her dad was just being.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2016 ⏰

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