Chapter 16 ~THE END :'(~

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Hey guys! This is the last chapter of "New Love" and I'm very sad/excited :') I know this was very short but it explains nearly EVERYTHING in what's happened for the past 5 years!!! Enjoy and #prayforJean because she's very sick and can barely type anything in her phone so please pray for her or use some of you're magical fairy dust on her please! Thanks for reading and have a wonderful life! xxx ~Alex

Ps. I know I left a cliffhanger at the bottom but like I said at the top ^.^ This chapter nearly explains EVERYTHING that's happened in the past 5 years! Anyways! Byeeeee!!!! xxx ~Alex

Warning: Maybe some smut if I'm feeling a little horny ;) jk jk ;) and you might cry from all the lovey dovey stuff but you might not Yes= :') No= :'(



"Harry!" Louis squealed as Harry picked him up bridal style and placed him on the bar counter. Just as Harry and Louis were about to kiss an Irish accent interrupted them. "Oi! Congratulations on you're wedding guys!" Niall said while hugging Hannah tightly. "Thanks's the baby doing Hannah?" Harry asked as he rubbed Hannah's stomach, making Hannah giggle. "She's doing great..isn't she Niall?!" Hannah giggled. Niall nodded and pecked Hannah's lips sweetly. "Hi Harry!" A sweet voice came from behind the bar counter, and out popped Liam...and Zayn. "Hey Liam...and Zayn!" Harry waved. "Congratulations Harry and Lou!" Liam giggle and Zayn kissed Liam passionately.

"N-Niall I think my water broke..." Hannah said and started to pant heavily. "What?! But the baby isn't supposed to be due until another week!!" Niall squeaked. "WeLL ITS COMING nOW!!!" Hannah yelled while gripping her stomach. Niall picked her up bridal style and rushed to the car with all the boys right behind them.


Niall paced around the waiting room impatiently with tears streaming down his face. "Niall call down! She will be fine it's ok just stay calm!" Louis said while walking over to sooth Niall. Niall relaxed a little under the warmness of Louis hand in his hair but was still breathing unevenly. There was no noise except for the very loud screaming that was coming from Hannah's room. When the screaming came to a stop a few minutes later the doctor opened the door, but before he could say anything Niall sprinted in there.

As Niall got in there he saw Hannah there, with their beautiful baby girl. Niall's face softened at the sight and he walked at a normal pace over to Hannah's bed and kissed Hannah lightly on the forehead. "She's beautiful babe..." Niall whispered. "Just like you..." Hannah whispered and kissed her daughters cheek. "Want to hold her?" Hannah asked while lifting her arms up. "Of course!" Niall said while picking up his baby and rocking it gently. "What ya want to name her babe?" Niall asked while a single tear ran down his face. "Summer...if that's ok with you..." Hannah said while smiling weakly.

"Of course it is!" Niall said and kissed Summer's little forehead.


"So...Zayn...when are you and Liam getting married?" Louis asked as he chugged down another beer. "Umm actually Liam and I are getting married next month..." Zayn said with a bright pink blush spreading across his cheeks. Liam blushed as well and hid his face in the cushion of the couch pillow. "Well mate congrats but I hope that month goes on by fast!" Niall said with a mouth full of chips. "Why ya say that Ni?" Liam asked sweetly. Niall smiled and took a sip of his own beer. "Well because me and Hannah are married and so are Haz and Lou and I just didn't want y'all to be the left out couple..." Niall said while walking over to Hannah, who was in the rocking chair, and picked Summer up gently.

"She has you're eyes babe..." Hannah said while touching her daughters very tiny kitten ears. Niall smiled and lightly chuckled as he remembered the day he found out Hannah was a kitten hybrid...


As Niall opened the door of the flat he heard loud purring come from the living room. "A cat? None of the boys ever got a cat and Hannah and me surely never got one..." Niall thought as he slowly made his way to the living room, making sure he didn't make any noise. Once he got to the couch he was speechless. "H-Hannah?" Niall asked in totally disbelief, with wide eyes and his jaw dropped slightly. "N-Niall?!" Hannah panicked. Hannah quickly got up and put on her grey beanie back on.

"Why didn't you ever tell me?!" Niall asked while stepping closer to Hannah, not the least bit of frightened. Hannah looked at the ground in shame and fiddled with her tail that was wrapped around her waist. "I-I just thought you would see me as a the freak I am..." Hannah said with tears brimming at the corners of her eyes. "You aren't a freak! God made calling God a freak too?!" Niall laughed and so did Hannah.

"Sorry Niall...I'm very sorry..." Hannah said with her tail still wrapped around her waist. "Don't be...I understand..." Niall said and walked over to Hannah and hugged her tightly....


Now here they are...with their newborn baby in their hands. "I love you Niall..." Hannah whispered while touching Summer'a brown curly locks. "I love you too babe..." Niall said and gently caressed his thumb over Summer's cheek. "C-Can I hold her?" Liam asked, his big brown eyes wide with excitement. "Of course little kitty" Niall smirked and gently gave Liam his daughter. Liam held her firmly but gently and softly kissed her forehead.

Zayn smiled in awe at the sight before him and gently touched the lump that was forming in his stomach. Niall, Louis, Harry, and Hannah were tearing up at the sight. "You'd be a great dad Liam..." Zayn said with a weak smile. Liam looked at Zayn confused and handed the baby back to Niall who have it to Hannah who gave it to Louis so he could finally hold her. Liam grabbed Zayn's hand gently and pulled them into the next room while locking the door.

"What do you mean 'I'd be a great father'?! You know I'm not going to date or marry any women right?! I want you and only you Zayn!" Liam said and passionately kissed Zayn as he cupped Zayn's cheek. Zayn pulled back with a huge smile. "I know that babe...well what I'm saying is that...I'm pregnant..." Zayn said with a nervous look. Liam's eyes grew wide and he kissed Zayn all over his face, making Zayn giggle. "You can get pregnant?! But how?! Not that I'm complaining I just want to know!" Liam said in one breathe. Zayn chuckled and kissed Liam on the nose cutely.

"Well I'm one of the rare males that can get pregnant...there is only one other guy that I saw on Oprah that could get pregnant and he had three kids!" Zayn finished. Liam smiled and pecked Zayn's lips. "Well I'm glad we are going to have a child..." Liam whispered in Zayn's ear. "Me too..." Zayn whispered and kissed Liam gently. "Wanna go back in the living room?" Liam asked and grabbed Zayn's hand, giving it a firm squeeze. Zayn nodded and opened the door and headed to the living room, where all the boys (and Hannah) were talking.

"Hey guys..." Zayn said and went back to the counter to drink some of his beer. "Hi" They all said in together. "Hey you all remember the day y'all found out about me and Hazza?" Louis asked with a smirk. They all nodded and thought back to that day...


Harry and Louis were cuddled up on the couch watching "Tinker Bell" when Louis decided to kiss Harry unexpectedly. Harry, of course, kissed back and ran his thumb over Louis cheek. Gasps came from behind the couch and Louis and Harry turned to see Niall, Hannah, Liam, and Zayn with their mouths open in shock. Suddenly a groan came from Zayn and Niall shouting "Haha you oh me 20 pounds!!! I WON!!!". Zayn pulled out 20 pounds and gave it to Niall.


"You guys bet on us..." Louis frowned and Niall and Zayn smirked. "Oh! Zayn would you like to carry Summer?!" Hannah asked politely. "Yes please!" Zayn said and gently took Summer from Hannah's arms. "She has you're curls Harry!" Zayn squealed. Harry smirked and walked over to Summer and gently twirled one of the curls. "I guess she does..." Harry giggled and softy caressed Summer's kitten ears. "Hey Lou?" Harry asked and faced his husband.

"Do you remember the day I asked you to marry me?" Harry asked and Louis immediately nodded his head...


"Harry where are you taking me?!" Louis asked for the millionth time while tugging on his blindfold. "We're here!" Harry announced, completely avoiding the question. "Finally!..." Louis grumbled as Harry opened the car door for him. Harry closed the door and locked the car and took Louis hand and guided him to a picnic near a tree.

"Can I take off this blindfold?!" Louis asked, clearly annoyed. Harry chuckled with a small 'yes'. Louis took the blindfold off and blinked a few times before gasping. Louis looked around and saw a romantic picnic set up with a few candles lit and the moon shining on the ocean a few meters away from them. "It's-It's perfect" Louis smiled and tackled Harry to the ground with a bone breaking hug. "Thank you thank you thank you!!!!" Louis chanted while still hugging Harry. "You know how you can really thank me?" Harry asked with a cheeky smiled. "How?!" Louis asked, jumping up and down with a huge smile on his face.

Harry got down on one knee and took out a black box. Louis gasped and his hand instantly went to his mouth and tears started forming at the edge of his eyes. "Louis William Tomlinson, we have been together for nearly 3 years now... and you have been the best thing that has ever happened to me...I love your smile and your laugh and I especially William Tomlinson...will you marry me?" Harry said/asked in one breath. Louis had tears streaming down his face and he was speechless.

Louis nodded his head and smiled wide. "Yes! A million times yes!" Louis shouted as he threw his arms around his fiancé.
(A/N: Idk which is which so...just bear with me here...) Harry hugged Louis tightly and cupped Louis cheeks. "I love you Louis" Harry said and kissed Louis sweetly. Louis pulled back and rested his forehead on Harry's. "I love you too" ...


Harry smiled, remembering how happy and excited he felt when Louis said yes. Louis wiped the tears that were on his face and smiled warmly at his husband.

"Awww remember Zaynie when you proposed?!" Liam asked with a huge smile on his face. Zayn nodded and thought back to the day he proposed to his lover...


Liam had just gotten out of the shower and put on one of Zayn's too-big shirts. He put on some boxers and put on a pair of Harry's skinny jeans and put on a pair of socks and his favorite pair of shoes, his converse, and headed to the park, where Zayn said he would meet up with him.


"Liam!" Zayn shouted as he saw Liam approaching the playground. "Hi Zayn!" Liam said as he sat on the swings with Zayn. "How are ya?" Zayn asked, and kissed Liam's temple. Liam blushed and played with his feet. "I'm good" Liam said, smiling a bit. "That's good" Zayn smiled. Liam blushed a deep shade of red and looked up at Zayn. Zayn stared into Liam's eyes and slowly leaned in and so did Liam. Their lips crashed together and their tongues fought for dominance. Luckily no one was around to see them or else someone would probably report them to the cops.

Zayn pulled back breathless and stared into his boyfriend's eyes. Zayn got down on one knee and Liam gave him an confused look. Zayn took out a dark blue box and opened it up, revealing a shiny ring (for men of course). Liam gasped and tears were already brimming at the corner of his eyes. " are my lover, you complete me and I couldn't think of marrying anyone else but are so perfect and have the most amazing smile and laugh so funny and I just With that said... Liam James Payne...will you marry me?" Zayn said/asked Liam nervously.

Liam was speechless. The love of his life just purposed to him. Liam saw the disappointed look in Zayn's eyes from not answering so he quickly shook his head yes an threw his arms around Zayn and hugged him tightly. "Yes yes yes yes!!!" Liam chanted and he brought Zayn's face up to his and kissed him slowly. Zayn kissed back and deepened the kiss. Liam pulled back and smiled warmly. Zayn smiled back and showed Liam the ring before putting it in his finger...


Zayn smiled at the memory and walked over to Liam before giving him a sweet tender kiss on the lips. "I love you" Zayn said, smiling. "I love you too" Liam said and smiled back...."Hey Hannah?!"Niall asked. Hannah hummed and looked up at Niall. "Do you remember when we got married?" Niall asked. "Of course I do!" Hannah said, thinking back to the day her and Niall got married.


"Come on Niall just do it!" Niall chanted in his head as he was about to propose to his beautiful girlfriend. "Here goes nothing..." Niall said under his breath. Niall walked over to the restaurant table an sat down in front of Hannah. "Hey Hannah!" Niall said, staring into her eyes. "Hi Niall..." Hannah said, staring back into Niall's blue eyes. The waiter came and took their order. A few minutes later he came back with their foods and they both dug in.

When they were done they paid everything and went outside and went looking for the car. And just their luck, it started raining. Niall quickly took off his jacket and handed it to Hannah who quickly put it over her head. "It's the perfect time Niall now do it!" His brain said and he led Hannah onto the curb. He got down on one knee and took out a black box, opened it and a shiny silver ring glistened to the moonlight.

"Hannah, you have been the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. I love you so much! I want to live with you forever and have beautiful children with you...will you marry me?" Niall asked with a smile. Hannah had tears rolling down her face. She threw herself at Niall and kissed him passionately. "Yes" was all he said before kissing him again...


Wow up I think that's the longest I've ever written. Wow. I also but a lot of emotion into this so if you could vote on this last chapter it would mean a lot :) Thanks :D Sorry for making this the last chapter :'( Plz don't hate me! I'm sorry (._.) I hope you enjoyed it and thanks for reading!! Byyeeeee!!! Oh! and tell what story you would like me to write next!!! Thanks and now goodbyyyeee!!!!!! xxx ~Alex :*

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