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Walking down a new path,
Hoping that things will go better,
But you don't know why you want things to go better,
In fact you don't even know why you're sad.

So you walk down the path looking at the piles of toys,
from kitchens to play vacuums to Lego Friends and Lego Elves,
But at the end of all the toys to pick you choose a stuffed animal,
It was customized to your exact likings.

You climbed up the pile of toys and picked the stuffed animal up,
But in your case it wasn't a stuffed animal,
it was your best friend.

Along the path you told him/her all your thoughts and all your questions,
He/she doesn't say anything but you smile at him/her anyways.

You finally made it to the door and travel onto the next path with your new buddy.

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