Part 1 - Its a trap

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This is my first fanfic so go easy on me and i'd love to hear your thoughts so read and write to me thanks y'all. 

How did this happen?

That's what was going through the whole teams' minds as they watched the crazed, blood-thirsty man draw closer to their bound bodies. He was smiling-if you could call that manic grin a smile-as he stopped in front of Robin.

It was supposed to be a simple covert mission; that's how they were all supposed to be. The team had been sent to stop a drug deal in a rundown building located in the eastern part of Gotham.
Batman, after some simple research, had found that the "drugs" being sold were actually vials of Bane's very own Venom.

The team had jumped into action, taking the unsuspecting sellers and buyers down with ease. Then, a small device dropped in front of them. Robin had recognized it immediately, the boys eyes widened with fear, but before he could warn the others, a green coloured gas seeped out from the gadget.
The next moment, the team felt themselves become weak and drowsy. Through his foggy vision, Robin glanced up to see none other than the Joker crouched upon one of the support beams of the building.
The clown cackled and waved his fingers as, one by one, the team dropped to the ground, unconscious.

Aqualad, Superboy, Miss Martian, Kid Flash, Artemis, and Robin awoke to find themselves lying on the ground, bound, next to one another. Everyone besides Robin jumped when the Joker suddenly appeared in their line of vision, giggling eerily.

Now, the team watched warily as the crazed clown approached their youngest member. His greasy green hair hung in front of his green eyes.

"Finally!" he cackled, licking his blood red lips as he stared at Robin. "Do you know how long it's been since I've seen you, Boy Blunder?"

Robin glared from his prone position. "You saw me a few weeks ago, Joker" he growled. "When we fought and broke up your little Injustice League."

The Joker cackled again. "No, no, no silly! I mean here, in good ol' Gotham! All I ever see is Mr. Grumpy Pants. I've missed you, Robbie!...Why don't you miss me, your Uncle J?" he asked, his eyes gleaming.

"I'm part of a team now, as you can see, Joker. Now what do you want?" Robin snarled trying not to let his fear show through. Joker frowned.

"Well, isn't that obvious, Robbie? I want you! You've grown up so...nicely..." he breathed. He bent down and ran a hand over Robin's well-developed chest.
The team stiffened as the Joker continued to caress the Boy Wonder.

"And I barely get to see you" Joker finished.

Superboy spoke for the first time, angered at the gleam he saw in the Joker's eyes as he touched Robin's body. "Why are you even here? This is Bane's gig," he hissed.

The Joker turned to him. "The Blue Buffoon's brat, are you? To answer your question, this was never Banie's gig. I overheard these dummies talking about a drug exchange" Joker gestured to the unconscious drug dealers, "so I spread word that they were swapping Venom. I knew Batsy would send Boy Blunder and his little team to stop it- and he did! He fell for it!"

The Joker bent over and wheezed with laughter. Then, stopping abruptly, he straightened up.

"Aren't you kiddies wondering why none of you can get loose? Take a closer look."

The team glanced at each other before looking down at themselves.

Superboy had a sizeable chunk of green Kryptonite strapped to his chest along with the ropes tied around his ankles, wrists, and torso. He cursed as his chest hurt, he struggled, feeling useless and fatigued.

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