Part 4 - He's gotta be ok

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The metal doors of the infirmary shut silently.

Batman turned to the Martian and blonde woman in front of him.

"Let's begin."

The teens walked quietly out of the cave's infirmary with Flash beside them. M'gann was still bawling, the sound of Robin screaming echoing in her mind. Conner wrapped an arm around her waist, wiping away his own tears. Kaldur walked along silently, his silver eyes glistening. Artemis had quieted down some, her fist clenching her bow; she had not even realized that Kaldur had retrieved it from the garage and had given it to her on the journey home. Wally walked beside his uncle, green eyes wide and staring ahead blankly. Tears poured down his face but he did not even notice. His whole body was shaking slightly and he numbly registered that he was hungry; it had been a while since he had last eaten.

The team made their way into the recreation room, the lights automatically turning on when they entered.

Conner led M'gann over to the loveseat, holding her as her cries continued. Aqualad sat in the lone armchair, closing his eyes as he too allowed his tears to flow. Artemis sat next to Wally on sofa, letting her bow fall to the ground. Flash stood in front of the five terror-stricken teens, his usual smile replaced with a somber, concerned look.

"I-I know that you guys probably don't want to talk about it right now, but- what happened, exactly? What was the mission's objective?" he asked, looking from one face to another.

There was silence, other than Miss Martian's gasps. Then Kaldur spoke, looking up at the senior here.

"We were sent to stop a drug deal in Gotham. We were under the impression that the drugs were vials of Venom and that the whole ordeal was staged by Bane. B-but it was a set up. We took out those who were involved and then were exposed to some form of knock-out gas. When we awoke, we were bound, our powers suppressed. And then-then we saw him," he said, his eyes full of anger. Flash did not need to ask who "him" was.

"He told us he wanted R-Rob back," Wally added, his voice cracking when he spoke his best friend's name. "He said he wanted him back in Gotham and that it was our fault that he wasn't around as much anymore. He-he was gonna hurt us but Robin-Robin-" Wally's voice gave out and he could not continue.

"Robin sacrificed himself-for us," Artemis finished for the redhead. "He-he told us to-to promise that we wouldn't give ourselves up... said that the Joker would kill-kill us if we did." Her voice too broke and more tears fell forth from her eyes.

"It is my fault." Kaldur spoke again, his voice wavering. "I was the leader and yet I accepted Robin's request and now-now he is injured."

"No," said Flash. "It's no one's fault, Aqualad. Robin's a brave kid, and he was right: the Joker certainly would have killed all of you, that's how he operates."

"But it was my responsibility. I failed him as a leader and-" Kaldur broke off, his shoulders shaking slightly.

"He's going to be okay though, right? I mean, he's-he's Robin," Superboy said from his spot on the loveseat.

"He has to! He has to be okay!" M'gann shrieked, crying louder. "He can't-he can't-"

"He will," Wally said suddenly. Everyone turned to look at him. The junior speedster was sitting up straight, his fists clenched. "He will get better-Dick always bounces back, no matter what happens."

Barry's mouth fell open as Wally spoke Robin's true name. "Uh-Wally, you-" he stuttered, but Artemis interrupted.

"It's alright, we know who he is. I-I go to school with him," she finished in a whisper.

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