What is this place?

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Earlier I had been back in my fourth period in school, sitting besides my friends.  But as soon as the teacher stepped foot into the room, my vision went fuzzy and I think I fell asleep.
So now I'm wondering around in a weird building which I don't recognize at all, and my backpack and book bag are with me. My mom let me take my iPhone to school today for the first time,  and,  well, I'm obviously using it right now.
I keep trying to call my family and friends, but they never even answer my calls.
So, like I said, I'm wondering around a weird building right now. I think I'm the only person here. Although I keep thinking I hear something off farther into the building...

Okay, I am officially lost. There's no windows around here. There's some doors,  but when I open them, all I can see is black. Nothing else. Just... Nothing. The nothing goes on and on for forever.
And I'm getting kinda scared. I keep hearing things dropping behind the doors of blackness and... Breathing. I hear deep breathing. As if someone's sleeping.
Maybe if I hear it again, I'll be feeling brave enough to explore the black void behind the weird doors.

I did it. I decided to go behind one of the doors, I'm using the light of my phone to look around.
Apparently there were girls there. I scared them good, they screamed for a while and then finally got their breath back when they saw I was just a normal girl.
After I told them what I had been doing, they decided to come wander around the place like I had been doing.

I found a girl I knew from my class, she is scared out of her mind and it looks like her eyes might bulge out of her head. She keeps saying "I hear them... I hear them everywhere" and I'm starting to thing she's loosing it. Maybe she is.
I finally explained to her that she was just hearing people from our class but she only looks away from me and keeps repeating the same thing over and over.

Anyways, my battery is running down and it's about to die, so I'll finish this later.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2017 ⏰

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