Chapter 15: Hospital

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Ross's POV:

I saw Laura fall, she hit her head on the ice covered ground. I ran to her.

"Laura!" I yelled but she didn't answer.
Riker and Vanessa saw what happened and ran to us. Vanessa slid on the ice too but Riker caught her.

"Laura!" I said again as tears streamed down my face. She still didn't answer.
Riker picked up his phone and called an ambulance.

"Laura please answer!" I said and cried. I looked at Vanessa. She was crying too.

"The ambulance will be here any minute." Riker said and sat down next to me. He hugged me. Then he went over to Vanessa and hugged her.
I put Laura's head on my lap and stroke some hair out of her face. She just laid there, but she was breathing. I couldn't loose her. I just couldn't.

I heard the sound of the ambulance.
The ambulance men ran up to us and asked what had happened.
Riker told them everything, Vanessa and I couldn't talk, we just sat on the ground and cried.

"We have to take her to the hospital." a calm voice said.
I looked up and saw a man. He put his hand on my shoulder.
"She'll be alright if you let us take her to the hospital."
I nodded and slowly put Laura's head back on the ground.
Vanessa dragged me away so the ambulance workers could help Laura.
Riker came up to us and hugged us. All the others had seen what happened too and came to hug us. Rydel cried and a tear rolled down Ratliff's face. Ryland and Rocky stood quiet and looked very worried.
Vanessa and Riker let go of me and I sat down on the ground. I cried quietly.

After a while Riker forced me into the car.
"I don't want to go!" I said and tried to get away from Riker.
"You can't sit and cry on the ground all day." he said and pushed me into the car. He fastened my seatbelt like he used to when I was little and put his hand on my shoulder.
"We'll go home and eat then we can go to the hospital." Riker said with a calm voice.
I nodded.


I didn't eat much. Riker forced me to eat a sandwich but I only ate half.
He drove me to the hospital and we walked inside.

"Excuse me, in which room is Laura Marano?" Riker asked the lady behind the desk.
"She's in room 346, but you can't see her now." the lady said.
"Ok, I'll guess we have to wait outside cause he won't go home."
Riker pointed at me.
"Well ok, room 346 is on the fifth floor."

I started walking to the elevator and Riker hurried up to me.
We didn't talk.
I walked trough the corridor and saw someone sitting in one of the chairs outside one of the rooms. When I came closer I saw that it was Lucy sitting outside the room and that the room was room 346, Laura's room.
She stood up and walked towards me.

She didn't say anything. She just hugged me.
"Hi." I said quietly.
"Hi." she said.
We sat down in the chairs and Riker sat down next to me.
"It was a while since I saw you." she said.
"Yea, it was." I said.

We sat quiet for a few minuets.
"How did you know what happened?" I said when I remembered that Lucy wasn't there when it happened, and I hadn't texted her.
"Vanessa texted me." Lucy said.

The hours passed. We didn't talk much, just asked each other some questions and answered shortly. A nurse came by with some sandwiches. We thanked her and asked if she knew anything about Laura. She didn't.


Still Ross's POV:

I woke up in the chair. It had been very uncomfortable sleeping there. I stood up and walked in the corridor. Lucy woke up and looked at her phone.

I didn't notice yesterday but something was different with her. She wasn't as happy as usual. I could understand that but it was something more. She wasn't as curious as usually. She had just asked me a few questions. And none of them was about the trip to Colorado. They were only like; so you came home two days ago? and things like that.
Lucy was the kind of person who wanted to know everything and you couldn't hide anything or lie to her. She always gave advices and cheered me up when I was sad.
Where was that Lucy?
A nurse came out of Laura's room.

"Is Ross here?" she asked Lucy.
Lucy pointed at me.
"Could you come with me?" the nurse said and opened the door to Laura's room.
I went inside and saw Laura laying in a bed, probably sleeping, or maybe she hadn't woken up yet.
She moved a little and mumbled something. That was a good sign.

The nurse closed the door and sat down in a chair.
"Please have a seat." she said and nodded at the chair opposite her.
I sat down.

"So, you Laura's boyfriend right?" she said.
I nodded and blushed a little.
"Ok, you should know that she was very lucky. She hit her head hard but she'll be fine." the nurse continued.
"Good!" I said.
"I wanted you to come now because, you see, she has nightmares when she's sleeping. That's because of the fever. These nightmares is making her move around a lot which is not good for her recovery."

"Does that explain why you wanted me to come?"
"Well, she's mumbling as you can see and many times she has said your name and begged you to help her. We think that if you're here and talk to her she'll sleep better."

"Has she woken up?"
"Yes, but she sleeps most of the day."
"Is she alright?"
"Well, she'll be alright."
"What do you mean with that?!"

Laura moved and mumbled when I said that.

"Calm down." the nurse said.
"Well, we've done some tests and she's fine. She's a little slow, which means that she doesn't remember everything at once. When you talk to her it's important to talk not too fast and not with too complicated words or expressions. She's like this because her body is focusing to heal her wound. This can maybe affect her hearing and sight too but it won't last for long."

I nodded.

"I guess you'll stay a while now but if you leave the room make sure someone is here. It's very important that Laura doesn't sit or stand up. It could hurt her. And if something happens it's important that she's not alone. You can reach me by using the phone on the wall over there. My number is 1078. If you call it I'll hear it and come here as fast as I can. If you need anything not so important you can just ask someone passing by. They'll help you. Ok?"

I nodded over again.
"So, I'll leave you here. Make sure you don't forget what I said."
"I won't."

The nurse left the room.

I walked over to Laura's bed.
She was sleeping, but not really peacefully.

I sat down on the bed and took Laura's hand. I had really missed holding her hand. I knew it was only like 24 hours since I held her hand but it felt like it was a year.

"Ross." Laura mumbled and moved a little.
"I'm here." I said.

Laura stopped moving and smiled a little.

I sat on her bed for a while. When she mumbled or moved I talked to her. She relaxed when she heard my voice. I thought it was very cute. Maybe I meant as much to her as she meant to me.

Suddenly her eyes fluttered open. She looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and she tried to sit up.
I remembered what the nurse had said.

"No, just lay down." I said.
"Why?" she said quietly.
It felt so good to hear her voice again. I smiled at her.
"Cause it's not good for you to sit up. You can hurt yourself."
She laid down again and smiled at me.

"So, how do you feel?" I asked her.
"I don't know. I think I'm ok but my head hurts." she answered and looked worried.
"You'll be alright, trust me."
She nodded.

"Do you remember what happened?"
She thought a while and said;
"I think so, I fell. Right?"
I thought we could talk about this later when she felt better.

She yawned.
"Are you tired?" I asked.
"Yes but I don't want to sleep." she said with a serious expression.
"Cause it's scary."

I remembered the nurse had told me about Laura's nightmares.

"I'll be here all the time." I said.

She smiled and closed her eyes. Soon she fell asleep.
A few times she mumbled and moved but then I just stroke her head softly or talked to her and she would relax. I hoped she'd be better soon. I was so happy that she'd be alright, but still I was very sad.

I didn't like to see her this way. She wasn't feeling good. I wished she just could get better right now. I loved her with all my heart and cared more for her than myself.
I would stay as long as I could and spend all my time here if I had to. If Laura was here I'd be here. It'd probably not be easy to fix because of concerts and stuff like that but I would try.

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