Chapter 1 Ami meets prince atem of egypt

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This is my life story I am princess ami of Syria
Me and my family are traveling to Egypt for a peace ceramony and during this peace ceramony little did I know that one eventful will change me and atems life when we decide to leave the safety of The city  and explore the desert and FYI we are only  kids  I'm 6 and atem is 7.We arrive in Egypt  as we get to the gates as they open I see prince atem standing by his father and mother  as he looks right at me I hide behind my father  as the prince walks over and asks "why are you hiding princess are you that shy my names prince atem  what's your name ?  I respond " I'm princess ami and yes I have never met  a prince  this is my first time away from my home. " he smiles well now no need to be afraid let's go play in the garden my father smiles dark magician please protect and watch them  he nods and he comes with us

 " he smiles well now no need to be afraid let's go play in the garden my father smiles dark magician please protect and watch them  he nods and he comes with us

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Ami" hi dark magician how are you, he responds I'm great as he smiles I'm glade  your father gave me to you and I see you made a friend  as he waves to atem." Atem " so ami is that a shadow game  monster?
Ami " yes he is he protects me and he's also my friend he fallows me wherever I go  and only few  people can see him". Atem " cool why don't we go  and explore the desert    It will be fun. " dark magician " but your fathers said to stay in the city princess and prince."

Atem" don't worry come on it will be ok we won't be out there that long." Ami" come on dark magician .

Dark Magician " alright but promise me we will go back to the city after "
Ami " we will come on dark magician". We go into the desert and play tag and build sand hills".

Bandit King " well well look what we have here a prince and princess you will come with us now or we will take you by force"

Atem " never ami get behind me "
Ami " does as atem tells her but we then get surrounded by bandits".

Atem " never ami get behind me "Ami " does as atem tells her but we then get surrounded by bandits"

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Atem " darn it no were to run as they grab us and take us away from Egypt as are hands are tied ".

Ami"  I'm scared atem  as my dark magician is with us but hidden atem we should of listened to my dark magician prince atem"

Atem" I know we should of listened to your dark magician"

bandit King " we sent a ransome letter to both your parents put them in shackles and put these two to work on cleaning and bulding up our hide out as his bandits obey and put us to work as we build the hideout  with stronger defenses and everything  as I  collapse a guard whips me  get up now  as I obey as I resume my work "atem we have to find a way out of this place but how is there even a way out of here as I begin to cry " atem " hugs me hush my beloved princess I promise you that we will escape this place and return home I swear on my life  that we will return home safely   As he kisses me ever so gently I smile my dear atem I trust your words of love as years pass we grew into teens and today was the day me and atem were to escape from the bandits atem " let's bust out of here as he picks the locks on our shackels as we  escape in the cover of darkness.

bandit King " we sent a ransome letter to both your parents  put them in shackles and put these two to work  on cleaning and bulding up  our hide out  as his bandits obey and put us to work  as we build the hideout  with stronger defenses and ever...

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