Vengeance 2: Karma's A Bitch

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O my God you two are the killers in the story.... but you're supposed to be in jail!!! said Ada's daughter Tammy. Everyone run. 

What Jennisa thought: Dont do it! theyre just teenagers and they didnt do anything! Shut up damnit they deserve it for what theyre parents did to me and sammy!

Jenni hurry up and lets go! We only have to kill 10 teens and leave the rest alone! Okay but who do we kill first? Stop right there said The assistant scout Mr.Lang. Just stop and dont move at all! He turned his back and sammy kicked him and he flipped over and fell. 2 more scouts came prepared to fight with the two killers. Mrs.Liusso got sammy in a headlock and Mr.Cickeys got me in a bearhug while Mr.Lang got up. Let me go Jennisa screamed and scratched Mr.Cickeys. What the hell get her! Jennisa got a tree branch and hit Mr.Cickeys in the head and Mrs.Liusso let sammy go and when she did sammy stabbed her in the back with a blade she had. Jenni hit Mr.Cickeys 3 more times in the head until he died. Mrs.Liusso crawled for 2 minutes and sammy kicked her in the stomach. Sammy picked her up and stabbed her in the stomach and threw her into the lake down the hill. Mr.Lang got up and put his fists up, Sammy ran to him and she got punched in the stomach but Jennisa got her blade and cut Mr.Langs arm and slit his throat and he died and fell. 

Uggh we have to sneak around and kill each of those teenagers 1 by 1 but quietly! Ok but how will we kill them? Well I think we start with  Roberts kid first since hes stupid just like his dad. OMG can you believe it the killers are at our camp hahahaha laughed Robert,Jr. Dude its not funny at all said Daniel(Hugos kid). Wow did you know they're not ugly either haha Robert jr laughed. Robert since your so happy and hyper go look outside and see if they're there...but...but..Now!!!!! yelles Alexander(Marcos kid). Fine! Robert opened the dor and stepped outside but he didnt know Samantha stabbed his arm. He screamed as hard as he could but Jennisa slapped him. So your daddy Robert didnt ever visit his ex girlfriend in jail! For a fact he was in jail for 3 days for selling drugs but he never gave us a visit! I'm sorry but please dont kill me! Well who should we kill? My dad please not me! Hpw will we see your dad dummy said Jennisa! I dont know but I promise Ill figure it out :) No sorry kid but No! Sammy got the lade and stabbed Robert Jr in the heart and he died.

That didnt take too long did it asked jennisa. Now all we have to do is take down 9 more teenagers and well be done hahaha.OMG they killed Robert jr.!!!!! said Alexa(Karla's daughter). Samantha and Jennisa went to the restroom to wait for sumone to go in. Guys i gotta go pee said Castro(Monroys son). Then go I heard them say were going to the kitchen. Ok then I hope so:( Castro walked into the restroom and finished doing what he had to do. Jennisa hardly cut him and he ran out yelling "open the door please!!!!!!!" Sammy ripped him and he twisted his ankle. Jennisa said You look just like Monoy but cuter hahaha well sorry monkey boy and she stabbed him 7 times in the chest and killed him. Sammy we need to trick them into coming out somehow! We pretend to be one of the scouts and one of lies on the floor and we can kill like 2! ok you be the scout and ill be the 1 who was supposedly killed.

Samantha dressed up as a scout and told the kids to get out and walk to a oak tree near jennisas body. Morgan (alyssas daughter) yelled can we leave please I'm really scared and freaked out ..No!! you may not! Jennisa stabbed Morgan in the leg and Morgan fell and cried and screamed for help. Sammy got her by the hair and Morgan yelled for help and said not to kill her but samantha took her o the lake and kept putting her head in the water for 5 minutes until she finally drowned her. Tammy ,Daniel, and Alexander ran to the main scout room. Billy socked Jennisa and kicked Samantha. He got their blade and cut them slightly but Sammy got her feet around his head and flipped him over and then Jennisa stabbed him and choked him with a piece of her shirt while Jack(Alvarez son) watched in horror! 

Jack ran to hide in the woods but Lucy and Amy stayed behind and ran to their cabins. Samantha and Jennisa went to get gas and put all of the gas around Amy and Lucys cabin but neither o them heard Sammy or Jenni so they sang Latoya Jackson to feel safe. Sammy lit a  match and threw ot on the gas and the cabin began to burn. They left the cabin running saying FIRE!!!!!!! ut sammy stabbed Lucy in the stomach as she ran Amy then hit her with a piece of wood and picked up Lucy and carried her to the boys cabin. She left her there to die and her final words were I love you as a friend bye baby:(

Why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yelles Amy she found Lucys phone nd some how got bard and called 911 and told them all what happened. Jennisa ran but Amy tyripped her down the hill and she was left unconcious. Sammy socked her and they had a cat fight. Amy stabbed sammy's arm and ran to look for Jack and Tammy. They all found each other and waited for the police but Sammy killed the 2 main scouts and stole their guns. She shot Daniel in the arm but the police arrived in time to stop the horror but Jennisa got Amy and took her while sammy shot Daniel again in the chest and he fell but the paramedics got him Sammy got Jack but she saw Alvarez and looked at him in horror since he was with Ada. Why..why... why alvarez!!!!!!!!!!!! she shot alexander in the leg and arm but got tammy and jack and took them with Jennisa. Sammy got the gun and puched Jack and shot him in the leg 2 times and in the leg 1 time and he fell crying and screaming in pain. Tammy scratched her and got the gun and shot it but missed and sammy kicked her in the face softly but Sammy got the gun but before she could shoot they shot her 10 times. She fell and rolled down but shot herself in the heart on accident and killed herself with help from the cops. Jennisa yelle No!!!!!!!!!!!! 

She heard the voice say put it down and leave Amy alone now! Jennisa yelled and stabbed Amy in the arm and pushed her away and stabbed herself in the leg and arm and fainted. She was rushed to the hospital with everyone else and was safe but would be put in an asylum until she gets better..

Everyones funeral was at Rosemarys funerals and they were all buried next to each other. Jennisa went but didnt do harm to anyone and told Ada and Alvarez"sorry for what ive done and I love you both" they forgave her and they lived together back in Beverly Hills while Jennisa is still in the Assylum recovering.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2011 ⏰

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