A separate existence from life itself

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"I cannot conceive any work of art as having a separate existence from life itself." – Antonin Artaud

11:43AM Saturday May 18th at Diorama Coffee

"We are really making progress and I'm so happy with our work. He even read Macbeth in his own time! Jedediah is very talented, he performs in such a genuine way which is hard to find. Oh, and of course he-" Octavius rambled on excitedly. He had been chattering non-stop about Jedediah for the past few minutes to his friends Lance and Abe. It didn't occur to him just how much he'd been talking till Lance stopped him with a sarcastic comment.

"You sound like you've got a crush." He smirked when Octavius' cheeks turned a lighter shade of pink.

"I have not!" Octavius' voice cracked slightly in embarrassment, which only caused him to become more embarrassed.

"Oh yes, you are in love my friend." Lance continued with a small chuckle.

"No Lance. I just respect his acting talent is all."

"You wish kiss his face all day, don't you? I can see it in your eyes."

Before Octavius had a chance to defend himself, Abraham piped up "Love? Like yourself and Guinevere then?"

"Don't mention her, just the thought of her beauty makes my heart flutter. Arthur doesn't know what he has, she will belong to me someday and we shall marry and it will be truly glorious." Lance was soon lost in his own thoughts of Guinevere.

"Thank you for shutting him up Abe." Octavius sighed; you could always rely on Abraham for creating peace in almost any situation.

"You're welcome." Abe smiled warmly "But you are in love with this Jedediah. It's a shame about him a Kahmunrah, you two would make a much nicer couple." He sipped his tea with his eyes close, appreciating that flavour.

Octavius was ready to protest about him being in love with Jed, but then the other man mentioned Kah, "What?" his face fell "Just who is this Kahmunrah? I demand to know."

Lancelot suddenly jumped back in to the convocation after realising that no one was listening to him "Kahmunrah has been going out with Jedediah for years, how do you not know?"

"I only recently transferred to this school, Lance." Octavius said seriously, he had a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach and he didn't particularly feel like being light hearted.

"Oh yes, of course, my apologies." Lance sat back "Anyway, he's a fool, don't make his acquaintance."

Abe nodded stoically in agreement with Lance "I'd assume you haven't had the chance of meeting him yet, try to keep it that way."

"Oh I've met him." Octavius grumbled "I do not like him."

"No one does!" Lance threw his arms in the air to exaggerate "Other than Jedediah and his groupies, Kah's got nothing."

"But why is Jedediah his boyfriend? They seem so different, and if I'm honest Jedediah does not seem happy."

"Well, they've been together for so long now, perhaps he is frightened to leave?" Abe offered.

"Not one person supports their relationship, not because they're gay, but because it's pretty obvious that Kah is a horrific excuse for a boyfriend. But no one wants to say anything." Lance sighed.

"Why not? I'll say something next time I see him, he is undeserving of someone like Jedediah if what you are saying is true."

"Bad idea," Lance waved a hand in front of Octavius to get him to calm down "Kah has more power in this school than most teachers. Everyone's just waiting for the day when Jedediah finally snaps and breaks it off. By the way things have been going, it doesn't look like that will happen though."

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