I woke up at 7:30 am on a monday. I got ready by doing the usual. (taking a shower, brushing hair, brushing teeth, clothes, etc.) Once I was done it was 8:30. I went to the shop to get the peach drink. Hopefully I know how to open the drink correctly this time. I walked to the shop which took about 15 minutes. I smiled to myself as I walked to the peach drinks, remembering the boy from yesterday. I got just one peach drink and went to quickly pay and get to work. (which was a 15 minute walk from the store.)

 I stood outside of the store and went to open the drink when it was snatched out of my hands. I looked up to see who it was; about to yell at them. The features on my face softened as I saw the boy from yesterday, Suga. 

"I don't trust you opening these kinds of bottle caps." He smiled to me as he opened it for me and put the bottle cap in his pocket. I didn't think much of him putting the bottle cap in his pocket and decided to just shrug it off. "Especially when it looks like you got ready to go somewhere." He said, his eyes sweeping over my body.

"Work." I said answering the question he had hinted at.

"I see." He said giving me my peach drink. "Hey, I don't have to go anywhere until 10. I could give you a ride to work." He smiled at me.

"That would be nice." I smiled back at him and then followed him to his car. I told him where the cafe that I worked at was located. We got there in about 5 minutes.  "Thank you again, Suga." I said as I got out of the car. 

"Anytime. Good luck at work!" He yelled out of the car window.

"Thank you!" I yelled to him again.

I walked into the small cafe.

"Who's the guy with the pink hair?" My co-worker, Jackson asked me.

"His name is Suga." I said playfully rolling my eyes at him.

"I'm calling him pink hair." Jackson said watching Suga's car drive away.

"Whatever." I laughed at him.

"Well? Are you dating him?" He asked giving me a weird look.

"No! I just met him yesterday." I laughed.

"Good." He said as he cleaned the counter. I just rolled my eyes and lightly laughed at his reaction and then an awkward silence settled in the café.


Work had gone pretty well. Jackson had started acting a bit weird after the weird reaction, but other than that it was a pretty usual day at work. I put in my earbuds, ready for my 30 minute walk home after my shift at the café. I listened to some band that I had forgotten the name of, but loved anyway. After about 5 minutes of walking I heard a car honk next to me. I quickly looked in the direction, startled by the sudden noise. I smiled as I saw Suga in his car next to me. He laughed at me as I glared at him for startling me.

"Get in!" He yelled to me. I smiled getting into the car.

For the first time I really got a good look at him. I had pretty much forgot to even actually examine his physical appearance. The reason I decided to actually examine his appearance was probably because Jackson had pointed out that Suga had pink hair and I didn't even notice. 

Suga definitely had pink hair. He had a cute gummy smile and pretty brown eyes. He wore a normal black sweater, as it was november and it was starting to get really cold. He wore a black beanie, which covered some of his pink hair. He wore 'meggings' ( A/N Why don't they just call them leggings? Like do guys not have legs? They have megs? Are their legs too manly for the word legs? Megs.) with the low crotch. He wore what looked like Vans, but I wasn't too sure.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"What? No, I'm fine. Just remembering what you look like, so that when I have to describe you to the police because you stabbed me, I will have every detail of your face." I said playfully.

"I promise I won't stab you as long as you don't pepper spray me." He laughed glancing at me then looking back to the road.

"Hey! What if I want to STAB you?" I asked, pretending to be offended.

"Not if I stab you first!" He exclaimed as he tickled my stomach with one hand.

"Hey! Stop!" I yelled and he stopped to put both hands on the wheel.

"Gosh. There will be no stabbing if we end up in a car crash instead." I laughed at him.

We joked around the rest of the car ride. Then about 10 minutes later he stopped outside my apartment building.

"Hey! Yi seul! Can I have your number?" He asked.

"As long as you don't stab me." I joked.

"I promise." he said putting his hand on his heart. He gave me a piece of paper and a pen and I wrote down my number. "I hope to see you again." He said waving the piece of paper by his face.

"Whatever, pink hair." I laughed at him.

"Pink hair?" He asked.

"Oh! Sorry, my friend Jackson started calling you that. I must've caught on." I said.

"It's okay. Well, goodnight. You should get inside before you catch a cold." He said lightly smiling at me.

I waved to him, thanked him and went inside. I flopped onto my bed as my phone buzzed. I got it out of my pocket.

Now I can bother you all the time!

I just assumed that it was Suga and put him in my contacts.

                                                                                                                  Me: Whatever PINK HAIR!

I texted back. Though I do love his pink hair.

Suga: Well you should go to bed so, I won't bother you tonight.

                                                                                                                 Me: Well then Goodnight.

Suga: Goodnight. :)

I turned off my phone and plugged it in so it could charge. I then quickly fell asleep.

A/N Ok this is getting better. I actually like this story so far.

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