Future Im-Perfect

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[ Note: Please read the author's note at the end of the chapter. Thanks ]

Leave him alone!” The man in a tattered leather jacket demanded as he was grabbed by two men, wearing hockey masks. He was pressed on the wall too hard followed by punches to the face then to his stomach. The man coughed then looks at a young man, probably around his twenties. He was wearing a grey shirt and blue jeans. The young man was lying on the floor, covering his head as he was kicked, several times by a topless man until he got tired. The young man then curled like a ball on the dust covered tiled floor, gasping for air at the same time coughing blood.

“So you two were the ones responsible for killing ten of my men.” A bald man with a medium built body steps out of the corner. He had a long scar running across his face and a blind left eye. He was the same height as the man pressed against the wall, but a little older. The man who was pinned on the wall looked at him, and then scanned the room, blinking several times to clear his vision. He found himself in an old office building, with tables piled up on one corner and a fading green paint on the wall. The room was big enough to accommodate 20 office workers, but there were only six of them inside the room. There were chairs scattered across the room, and the scarred man, who seems to be the leader of these brutes, sat down close to the injured young man.

The lights were flickering on and off while the windows were drenched with heavy rain. It was cold outside, dead cold, not because of the air-condition. It was because of the strange weather.

Now look at you two…” The man glanced at both of them with deadlocked eyes then laughed.

 “This is what happens to those playing heroes…Ha!” He punched the man on his stomach, hard enough to make him fell to his knees.

The two men who were grabbing him sat down at the table, adjacent to the huge doors marked with the words, EXIT. The scar faced man stepped back, while laughing scornfully. He then approached a rust covered metal cabinet and took out something which was wrapped around in a white cloth.

“Now I’m gonna give you two a heroes death.” He says as he un-wraps what shapes like a handgun. Which really did turn out to be a deadly .45 caliber revolver pistol. It was deadly gun indeed, and it was in the hands of a madman. He approaches the young man who was beaten up and weak on the floor.

“Don’t you dare touch him! He’s only a kid, I’m the one you want. Kill me.”

 The man in the black leather jacket says as he tried to charge in the madman, but soon felt powerless as he was stopped by the men who were pressing him against the wall earlier.

 No, they were not men. Their actions made them monsters.

“Oh don’t you worry. I’ll get to you soon enough…” The scar faced madman approached the young man who was trying to get back up. The madman crouched down next to him with the pistol pointing at the young man’s lower leg. Just a little higher on his right foot. He glared at the young man with eyes like a hungry beast and softly says.

“Young man, I’m gonna introduced you to an old friend of mine…Say hello to the decapitator.” He stood up then glanced at the man pinned on the wall with a smirk. 

“No…please…” The young man begged as he tries to crawl away. Then a shot was fired, followed by a loud scream. A painful scream. The young man cried as he tries to cover his gunshot wound. Blood began to ooze out along with blood streaked across the floor. He crawled next to a table like a spider that lost half of his leg.

“Frank!” The man yelled as he tries to fight off two of his captors. Trying to save himself from their tight grip and protect his friend.

“Oops, sorry I was aiming for his kneecap…” The madman then walks close to him. Tightly gripping the hand cannon then pointed it an inch close to the man’s forehead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2014 ⏰

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