Chapter 7

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Grace's POV

I woke up and noticed daddy's sleeping next to me. I tried to get over daddy's but I couldn't, so I tried to wake up daddy harry but he didn't even move. I tried waking daddy Liam up and he moved a little then looked at me, I giggled. He looked tired still and asked "Why did you wake daddy up this early in the morning?" I shrugged my shoulders and he got up off the bed picking me up. He brought me into the bathroom turning the water on making sure it's warm but not hot. After completely stripping me he placed toys into the bath and put me in the tub. After he cleaned me, he dried me off with a towel. He brought me down to my room put a nappy on me and put socks on me that had monkies. Put me into a long sleeve batman shirt, black jeans, black hoodie and black converses. I laughed at his choice of clothing because other daddies told me he likes batman. He asked what I was giggling about I lifted my hoodie a bit pointing to the batman shirt. He smiled and braided my still wet hair. He picked me up grabbing my dummy placing it in my mouth and went upstairs leaving me in my playpen. I heard the shower on and got bored knowing he won't come back for about half hour. But he came back within 10 mins changed and had my iPhone. Picking me up he got his keys and handed me my iPhone. He placed me into a car seat strapping me in and I guess all daddies had a carseat for me. Minutes later we were at a fast food place and he ordered a bunch of food. As he paid and got the food he drove back him. I cried a bit looking and smelling the food. He took a box out handing me 4 pc chicken nuggets. I took my dummy out and ate them happy that I could eat something. When we arrived at home he unstrapped me and walked in the house with me behind him. Placing the bag of food on the table he turned on the telli and went in the kitchen. Grabbing a bottle and feeding me before leaving on the couch and waking up other daddies. Daddy niall was first one down here grabbing some of the food. I looked at him while he sat on the couch eating. The boys later came down and eat everything leaving nothing left. As I was playing candy crush on my iPhone I couldn't beat the stupid level. So I shut it off and put it on table. Daddies eyes were glued to the telli. I grabbed the controller and turned it to scooby doo, they started yelling and looking at me to go back to other station but I wanted to watch scooby so I shook my head no. Daddy Louis took the cable from me and turned it back to the other station. I was so upset that I cuddled into daddy ni so I wouldn't get mad and get in trouble. I was calmly sucking on my dummy when daddies all got up going somewhere around the big house. I cried cause they left me alone I ran into daddy's room getting up on his bed. It smelt like all daddies but I was soo tired. I cuddled into blankey and teddy falling asleep.

Liam's POV

We were all in the game room playing FIFA niall keeps winning. We decided to play a different game and what seemed like hours we stopped playing; resting in the big couch along the wall. Looking around I didn't see where grace was in the room. I panicked and asked the boys where grace was niall said that he thought was grace was sleeping on the couch when we left her. We all hurried into the living room not finding grace. We checked her room then our rooms harry yelled that she was in his room sleeping. When we went into his room sure enough she was sleeping on his big bed dummy in mouth, blanket on her whole body and her teddy in her hand. Taking out our phones we took pictures of her sleeping. Louis picked her up brining her into her nursery and came back. We all went to our rooms and fell asleep knowing soon we were going tour.

Not long but what's going to happen when tour comes around?? Give me ideas what should be in the next chapter! Vote, comment, fav and follow!!!

Love you guys! ❤❤❤❤❤

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