Perfection is only Perception

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Two golden pools of light flashed; the little moist nose sniffed the sharp evening air. The cat's nose was filled with a multitude of scents as she followed the boy down the path. To his feeble nose, the sweetness that clung around them would seem to be coming from the mass of flowers all around. The cat knew better.

     Just as she ran forward to alert the boy, he swung open the gate with an ear-splitting screech that caused her fur to stand on end. It was too late. The twinkling lights in the cottage windows and the flower filled lawn may have seemed inviting but there was more to it. She knew what the flowers were hiding and it certainly wasn't natural.

     After two sharp knocks the door was open by an old women, her face creased with smile lines. No surprises there. She crouched down in a bed of flowers which blended perfectly with her calico coat. The old lady smiled down at the boy and beckoned to him and predictably, he followed her inside. The door snapped shut with a click that could only mean one thing.

     The cat sighed. She knew there was no point trying to save him now, she should just find herself a new owner. Casting one last look at the door she stood up, but let out a whimper.

     "Pull yourself together. There's nothing you can do."

     To her surprise, her self-motivation was interrupted by a voice coming from a nearby bush. "Where do you think you're going?"

     "Anywhere but here," she replied to the mouse in a strangled tone.

     "You know what will happen to him if you leave now."

     She knew alright. The truth behind one of the most well known human "fairytales" was right before her eyes. Stupid ignorant humans. They believed that all fairytales were mere stories, created for the amusement of young ones.

     If only her human knew like she did that all stories were based on truth, as all kittens were taught, then they would not be in their current predicament.
     Watching the smoke rise from the neat red brick chimney, the sickly sweet odour of burning flesh overwhelmed her, and she knew that she couldn't leave her human to this fate. They needed a plan.

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