Chapter 1 - When I found out

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Annie's POV:

Katie, Brennan and Ryan are coming over for a sleepover tonight. We're all sleeping in the lounge cause it's big and we can all be together. I can't wait.

Brennan's POV:

I'm so exited cause all of us are sleeping over at Annie's house, it's going to be amazing cause Katie told me that Annie said we are all sleeping in the Lounge tonight, so that means I can be close to Annie. I might tell Caleb tonight that I like Annie, it's just because I've been holding it in for so long and if I tell anyone anything, it's Caleb. I just hope he's cool with it.

{The Sleepover}

Annie's POV:

I hear a car pull up in the driveway, it must be Katie because we're not expecting anyone else. I go down stairs, sit on the couch and wait for the ring of the door bell. When it rings, I'm immediately I shot up and race to the door to let them in. Shorty after the door bell rang, Hayley and Caleb came down that stairs to welcome them.

Katie's POV:

We pull up to Annie's house and when the car stop's, I jump out and run to the front door and ring the door bell. Brennan seemed to get to the front door a little bit quicker than usual, he must want to see Caleb. Annie answers the door shorty after I ran it, and before she could say 'Hi' I gave a massive hug, because lets face it I haven't seen her sing this morning at gym.

Brennan's POV:

We finally get to Annie's house, Katie jumps out the car right when we stop, but even though I'm eager to go see Annie and talk to Caleb, I need to make it look more casual instead of what Katie did. When I'm walking to the door, Katie gives me a confused look, I get worried so I just give her a friendly smile. When the door opens, it's Annie who answers it. I smile, wait that's a lie, I have a massive smile on my face. Good job she didn't see me cause she was too busy giving Katie a hug. After she let Katie in, we said 'Hi' to each other in sync, laughed at that, then she gave me a hug. I wanted to hold on forever, but it only lasted 2 seconds. Then I see Caleb, say 'Hi' then ask him if we can go to his room for a while.

Katie's POV:

I saw Brennan whilst I was saying 'Hi' to Annie and I'm getting a bit suspicious, because the way he looked whilst he gave Annie a hug, it looked like he enjoyed it. Then he quickly went up to Caleb's room with him, shortly after, I quickly follow them and eavesdropping on them, I couldn't believe what I heard.  I'm gonna keep my eye on him tonight.

Caleb's POV:

Brennan arrives at my house for the sleepover, he looked a bit anxious, then asked if we could go talk quickly in my room. I agree, then we go up to my room. When we're in my room, we hear footsteps so we start talking when they stop.

I can't believe what he just said to me. " Caleb, I know this might be a bit hard for you but, I like Annie, I love her. Every time I see her, I get funny feelings, the whole world blurs out, and my focus is on her, she is the most beautiful person I've ever laid my eyes on. Please don't be mad at me, cause I understand that she is your sister, but I just think that she is amazing."

Deep down inside it feels weird knowing that my best friend has a MASSIVE crush on my sister. I tell him that I'm totally fine with it, cause he's my friend so I can't really stop him having a crush, but as it's my sister I do have a small impact, but like I said, I can't stop him having a crush.

Annie's POV:

I wonder why Katie is taking so long, and where Caleb and Brennan have gone, so I quickly go upstairs and I see Katie coming down, and tell her that I'll be there in a sec, then she replies to me, "I have something important to tell you." That seems a but odd so I just nod my head, then knock on Caleb's door. He says "Come in," when I open the door I see Brennan looking at me, but then quickly looking away. I firstly tell them the this sleepover if for all of us to talk and not just go off in a joking voice, Caleb says " We'll be down in a bit, won't we Brennan," He turns around and nods his head saying "Yea, Yes we will." He seemed a bit shaky, I hope he's okay.

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