Alone in the office (levi x reader lemon)

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Levi's eyes narrowed. The brat was at it again, he just couldn't seem to help himself. He was fawning over her, his hands giving her a gentle playful shove - any excuse to touch her.

It made Levi's blood boil.

Does he have to be so public with his affections? It was revolting. Levi shuddered, averting his gaze from the talkative pair and returning to his table with his squad.

"Hey Levi?"

"What?" He huffed, lifting his ice gaze to Hanji sat opposite him. She was grinning her stupid grin that Levi swore she did to get on his nerves.

"Looks like Eren and [name] are together again." She smirked. Levi could tell, she was just searching for a reaction from him.

"What that brat does in his personal life is no concern of mine, including who he dates." He answered her, glaring back at her happy expression.

Petra looked between the two in confusion.

"Uh...why would Heichou care about that Hanji...?" She asked timidly.

"Huh? Oh I dunno, just making conversation." She laughed boomingly, while kicking Levi's foot under the table. He scowled at her, she was behaving like a child!

All because she had some ridiculous notion that...that he liked [name]. It had started a while back when Levi had made the mistake of looking in someone's general direction. She'd swooped down on him like a vulture.

"You like [name] don't you!?"

"What...? Why?"

"Look at how you look at her!"

"Hanji, can I not glance in someone's direction?"

"Call it what you wan but that was more than just a glance!"

"Listen here shitty glasses, you can make whatever stupid fantasies you want in your head, just don't impose them on me!"

Back in the present, Levi shook his head to clear out the less favourable memory. A sweet laughter rang out behind him, and his fists tightened in anger. She was laughing at something Eren had said, and now he was joining in.

Can't they keep this sickening display behind doors? I might have to have a word later on...


Gulping nervously you came to a stop outside your Corporals office door. He'd called you there for a 'stern message', and you were nervous as to what he was going to say.

As far as you could remember, you hadn't done anything wrong. So this meeting was puzzling as well as daunting. Eren had sent you off with a reassuring squeeze of your hand and a kiss on the cheek.

"It'll be okay." He'd said. "Hurry back to me."

Breathing hard, you knocked on the door.

"Come in. And please close the door behind you."

Doing as the stern voice told you, you walked into his office and shut the door. Levi was there, sat on his desk with his arms folded. A chair was placed in front of him, which he gestured for you to occupy.

With shaky legs you walked to the chair set straight in front of the corporal and sat down, causing the man to now tower over you intimidatingly.

Hard liquid silver eyes glared down into yours, and a look of sheer...hatred was etched into his features. What on earth had you done that was so bad?

"I've called you here to have a stern word with you. Do you know what it's about?" He asked, his voice deep and menacing.

"I...I have no idea Corporal, I'm sorry." You glanced back at him hopelessly. A frustrated sigh made it's way past the corporals lips, and he pinched the bridge of his nose tiredly.

Levi x reader Lemon and OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now