Annoying School Day Part 1

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Vladimir closed his eyes. He was going to have to readjust to human sleeping patterns.
Vladimir Dracula and his father and older sister had fled Transylvania from a mob of locals. They had settled in a very remote town in England called Rilly. Vladimir had found an abandoned mansion at the edge of the city and they now lived there.
  Vlad was born a vampire, and had full vampire blood. He had turned fully at the age of 16, almost one year ago. However, on order to keep a low profile, Vlad and his family had to feed on animals instead of humans. It was not as nutritious as human blood, but it kept them going. His sister, Ingrid, who was three years older than Vlad, had agreed to this lifestyle, but the Count was very irked at the idea. They had managed to persuade him to agree with great difficulty and no little amount of threatening.
  Vladimir was unable to walk in the sunlight without his family heirloom pendant. The pendant was held on a black stainless steel chain and symboled two bats flying next to each other. It was light and Vladimir always wore it under his clothes. The pendant was enchanted with ancient magic long forgotten, and allowed the vampire that bore it to walk in the sunlight without burning.
Vlad quickly pulled on a key black polyester/silk shirt and black jeans. He combed his shooter black hair, bangs (Vladimir only had bangs on the right side and were hardly noticeable) moving to their usual place besides his ears. His stunning Caribbean blue eyes swept the practically immaculate room for his black Nike's, which bore no symbol. Upon finding he pulled on black no-show socks and his black shoes. His long pale fingers wrapped around his backpack (despite the fact that Vladimir was able to go in the sunlight, his body deflected all heat or rays from the sun, so his skin was still very pale), and walked down the windings staircase from his room to the living room. Count Dracula was waiting for him there, laying on a blood red sofa. Vladimir was about to leave when the Count suddenly bolted up.
"Vladdy my dear son, wait." Vlad stopped, very irritated. His father and him had not quite agreed to the fact that Vlad was going to school. "Where are you going?"
"Dad, we have gone over and talked about this for three days now. I have to go to school. It is peasant law."
"Why though? Ingrid is not going! So why must you?"
"Ingrid is fir in her own belief that she does not have to go to school. I however, am not risking any sort of unwarranted attention. I know how you can be, Dad."
"It is just that I worry for you."
"I know, father, I really do. I also know that if I do not go, people will start getting suspicious and curious. The last thing that we need is a bunch of people snooping around here. I do not want a repeat of Transylvania. So, please, just let me go. I will be fine."
"Very well. I agree only because you are the strongest of the three of us. Do I make myself clear?"
"Very clear, Father."
"Good, I will see you tonight then."

By the time Vladimir's father had allowed him out of the mansion, Vlad had already missed the bus. Therefore he would have to walk five miles to the school, giving him plenty of time to think, as he would run just barely faster than human pace.
What Vlad's father had said was totally true. Usually, when a vampire drank anything other than human blood, it made them weaker and their powers declined in strength and became less effective, they also got tired quicker. While the diet that Vlad's family had adopted was taking a huge toll on Ingrid, and a small toll on the Count, Vladimir was completely unaffected. Vlad did not know why. They had been on the diet for three days, which was more than enough time for it to take a toll on him, Vlad was simply not affected.

Vlad reached the school just after nine, so he was officially late for class. Vlad made a quick stop at the office to acquire his schedule. He had science first thing. On the way to the class, Vladimir wondered what an eleventh grade human learned in science class.
  He was ten minutes late for his class. As a result, when he entered everyone stared. The girls practically fainted at him. Vladimir ignored everyone and walked to the teacher.
"Vlad, nice of you to join us finally."
"I am sorry for being late, Sir, I had some family issues to attend to, and by the time I finished that I had missed the bus and has to walk over here."
"Apology accepted, just try not to be late very often, please. Here is a review sheet of everything we have gone over in class during the last month. Please fill out out and bring it to me when you are finished. We are currently learning about the makeup of the human body. Please, take a seat."
There was one remaining seat near the back, between a brown haired girl and a blonde haired boy. Vladimir walked down the aisle and took his seat and began circling the correct answers. It did not take long. After all, the class was studying human biology, something that the Count had made Vladimir learn at thirteen, deeming it important. At the time it had been rather frustrating, even if it was to a certain degree fascinating. Now it came in extremely handy.
Vladimir had finished the review sheet, and handed it to the teacher, who gave him the textbook that they were using and told him to turn to chapter three and start answering the questions on the board as he went over Vlad's paper.
Vladimir noticed the two people that sat on either side of him. On his left was a thin brunette female with chocolate brown eyes. She wore a thin grey T-shirt. The person on his right was a muscular male with short dirty blonde hair. Vladimir ignored their stares as he went back to his seat and took out a pencil and a piece of paper to begin writing the answers down. There were three questions: What function does the rib-cage perform?, What function does the heart perform?, What are two kinds of joints in the body?
Luckily for Vladimir, he basically knew the answers to all three questions. Maybe for once, this was not going to be as hard as he had thought.

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