Second Tutor Session

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Vladimir sat  down bored, at the table, and soon that Darcy girl came into view.

"Hi," Vladimir just raised an eyebrow. "Uh, well, I looked through it all, and...You really don't have much of a concept of American History at all?"

"I am from Transylvania...So obviously not." 

"And you don't really know much about WWII either."

"All I know is that Transylvania was not involved in the war, and so....I never had to learn it." Vladimir said all of this with an air of indifference. 

"Yeah, and...ummm...your answers...some of them were a bit...odd."

"Okay, can we skip this, and just get on with it?"

"Yea, yea, sure...Sorry." Darcy was obviously flustered.

"THIS IS HOPELESS!" Vlad said, slamming his fists down on the table, narrowly avoiding cutting it in half with the sheer force. His eyes flashed black for a few seconds, luckily Darcy didn't see that. He breathed careful to keep it at a minimum. "I apologize." Vladimir said quietly. "I just keep mixing facts, and it is rather angering."

"It's alright, I get it." Darcy said carefully. "We should probably get going anyways, as it's almost dusk. You said you have to be home by dusk, right?"

"Yes," Vlad growled.

"Okay, uh, I can drive you home. I mean, otherwise, you won't make it home before dusk." 

Damn, I cannot very well refuse now! Else she gets suspicious. But, I also don't want to show her where my home is...Damn it all...So be it! 

Yes" Vlad said. "That would be helpful."

"VLADIMIR!!!" Vlad groaned, and pushed open the door.

"Yes, Father?" Vlad asked coyly.

"Where have you been?"

"Dad, It has just turned to dusk, and I am here. Do not be annoying about it."

"Look, Vladdy, I worry about you."

"And I understand...But I cannot have you constantly looking over my shoulder. I am perfectly capable of dealing with myself. All you are doing are aggravating me. Alright...Just...calm down! I am not someone who can be broken if I fall!" The Count looked at Vlad with a strange gleam in his eye.

"Well, than, that was....Interesting. Anyways, Vlad, Bertrand is awaiting you in the cellar." 

"AH! Dad!" 

"I don't want to hear it...You have a talk to him, not me!" Vlad growled, echoing through the castle. He than flited to his room, and got started on the day's homework. He would deal with Bertrand when he came to his room, if he did. Vlad would figure out something then, not now. Right now he had Breather Homework to do.

"Where in Darkness have you been?"

"I apologize, Bertrand, perhaps you could have...I don't know...TOLD ME that I was going to have some sort of lesson tonight. It would have been a big help." Vlad said aggravated.

"The point of this is not for your convienence." 

"Look, I understand that my father wants me to train, but why are you even here? I am quite certain that he would have told me if he were going to hire a trainer."

"He did not hire me." Vlad scoffed at the Vampire's words, and glared at him.

"Than why are you here?"

"Because...It is my duty to train the High Vampire."

"I'm sorry, what? How the hell am I a High Vampire?"

"How many reflections did you have?"

"Why does that matter?"

"How many?"

"Why should I tell you? I mean...I don't see any reason to." Bertrand sighed, and threw the ray beam which created a cage around him once more. Vlad growled. "WHAT THE DAMNATION!?" Now he was livid. 

"I will let you out once you answer my question."

"Really, we are going to do this?" 

"Look, Vladimir, I don't want to do this. But you are stubborn, worse than the Count himself. I cannot see any other options. Other than torture. But I figure this would just be much simpler." Vlad rolled his eyes. He was not happy about this at all. "I will let you out...But you have to answer my question."

"Well, than I suppose you will be waiting a long time." Vlad said eyes flashing red. 

"So be it." Bertrand said, and he sat in a chair, reading something. Vlad sat down, crosslegged. If Bertrand thought that he would get something out of him like this, he was sadly mistaken. Nobody told Vladimir Dracula to do something that he did not want to. Of course, the situation sucked...but hay, He had been through worse, so this was practically nothing. Sleep would be practically impossible. But..Bertrand was about to realize just how stubborn Vladimir Dracula could be.

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