Saeki and Chyna's day out

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Photo of young Chyna and Saeki

TJ's P.O.V

Music all I hear is piano music this is what Chyna usually does in the morning she plays a beautiful song

She loves classical music though it doesn't really show because her music is so out there sometimes but I love all her music but when she plays the piano I just fall in love all over again.

But she's upset I know she is. She only plays this sweet song when something is bothering her perhaps It was because I kissed her then got ahead of myself. Oh god what If It Is my fault that's she so upset I need to apologize now.
(A/n: the song she's playing is above)
Chyna's P.O.V

I woke up at 6:00 in the morning ready to start song writing I mean not my whole audition is a few written songs some is just instrumental music I got a list of what instruments to play. Piano , Acoustic Guitar, and Violin.

I set up everything ready to figure out what song play but my mind drew a blank they said not to write a song just to pick a song to play on the instrument but I couldn't think of anything at that moment I wanted bang my head on my piano.

After a while I gave up and took a nap I woke up again at 10:30 feeling depressed that I couldn't come up with something so I decided to play clar de lune to get over my nerves I was really getting into It when a strong pair of arms wrapped around me and picked me up.

I looked up and saw that It was my idiot brother "Hey what the hell do you think your doing ya moron put me down baka" I said furious that he interrupted my practice "You know my rule no bothering me during my practice".

"I'm sorry I'm sorry" he says over and over "Damn right you better be sorry moron I was just getting to the good par-" "No not for that I'm sorry about yesterday I was outta line and I'm sorry" Huh yesterday what happen yestur- oh yeah well It's not like he haven't tried it before I know Its wrong but he's really unstable If I upset him who knows what he'll do.

"I thought I told you yesterday that I didn't care about that anymore damn move on" I said making myself sound annoyed "But bu-" "No buts don't do it again now GET THE HELL OUTTA MY ROOM".

Now where was I first lets start with piano they said I needed a long beautiful melody but not too classical hmm well lets start


After a while I came up with all the song for piano picked clocks by coldplay

Of course I have to play It on my keyboard and not my actual piano for the extra sound effects during this I'm gonna have a light show I go on at night so Its gonna look real good.

For guitar I picked a song I wrote called My song

For the xylophone I'm gonna play This

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