Chapter 13

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Elric peeked through the crack, the chain of his bracelets clanging against against the chain that connected to the metal collar of his neck. Exactly like the one the slave wore, or as he just came to find out, Roni.

He was a pretty little thing, with his large eyes and blonde hair, he almost looked like a petite mermaid. He wouldn't be a surprise if the slender merman was a sex slave.

"Were you crying Elric?" the slender slave spoke, his large brown eyes visible through the crack.

His heart clenched inside his chest. Of course. No one would know, not even the king himself would remember. Elric looked away, glancing the trinket that hung on his neck. It was small and rare gem, a pink diamond cut by his own brother's hands and set inside a swirl of metal, encasing the gem.

"It's for you brother!"

The echo of Merlin's voice sounded through his memories. Innocent with eyes filled with wonder, only to disappear with a blink of an eye, and today was another year. Another year that his younger brother had disappeared.

"You're crying again."

Elric blinked, his fingers darting towards his eyes. Glass like tears rimmed his eyes before floating towards the ceiling and melting away.

A soft rattle of chains pulled him from his thoughts, slender fingers touching the enchanted chains that held the doors together.

"Why are you here?" Roni whispered.

Elric laughed, "Can't you tell little one?" he said harshly, letting the his cracked and filthy talons peek through the slit of the doors.

The little slave should know better than nosing around the Onyx Palace. However, the merman was either stubborn or stupid because the idiot thought it was smart to move closer and take a sniff.

Elric hissed, not wanting the company of the slave. His name was already written in the black books of three royals, tearing the wonderful friendship he had with Caspian. How could he not? His soul had been tainted, searching for something he lost, and he certainly didn't want to taint the pure, innocent soul that glowed within the slave.

"You're a criminal," Roni said, the soft pad of the slave's thumb caressing his bony fingers, "I've never met a criminal before."

Elric could feel his heart accelerate at the slave's harmless touch, innocent and full of wonder, almost that of a child. How did the merman keep his innocence? Oh how he envied Roni, for Elric had once been like him, forever followed by the company of his equally innocent brother.

"You should know that criminals are dangerous. We're killers, liars, traitors," he hissed, snapping his teeth in a feral manner, "And savages."

Roni's eyes widened and he moved back with fear in his brown eyes, before swimming away, the sound of his rattling chains fading.

Swim away little Roni. You don't want to be tainted, he thought, a strange and unfamiliar feeling wrapping around his heart.


"Do you have your answer?" King Caspian murmured, taking a sip from his drink as his eyes watched Marcus who was talking animatedly with Morgan.

Ava pursed her lips, her own eyes straying to the human who was casually eating squid while speaking the Emerald and Diamond Queen.

Ava frowned before looking at the Onyx King. He still wore the same clothing he had during the wedding but a tattoo had become visible on his left cheek. A black mark that rested under his eye, a mark of a married man.

Her fingers wrapped around the goblet, taking a sip of her thick drink, "I will agree but under a set of conditions."

The king nodded before drifting away towards his husband, leaving Ava alone with her thoughts.

Thoughts that took towards the human. Her eyes searched for him, only to find him leaning against the wall, chatting with a pretty mermaid.

Her eyes narrowed, watching the mermaid touch his shoulder, her fingers lingering far too long on his biceps.

So he's that kind of man, she thought. Of course he would be. Sleeping with one woman and another a few hours later.

Ava chastised herself, she should've known that a mere human would stick to one lover.

"What's with the scowl?" a merman said from beside her her. She turned, recognizing the favorite of three kingdoms.

"I'm not scowling," she denied with a harsh tone.

Morgan chuckled softly, "What ever Your Majesty says," he teased, before nibbling on an oyster.

Ava huffed, taking a sip of her drink. She needed to harden her heart and ignore the human that had come tumbling into her life. Instead, she needed to focus on the stability of her kingdom, and she was sure that the favorite would provide the key to the Diamond and Emerald kingdoms.

She turned to the merman, plastering a sweet smile on her lips, "Tell me Morgan, how would you like to accompany me back to my kingdom?"

Morgan grinned, "Sure."


Roni rubbed his chest as he returned to Ava's quarters. He didn't like the feeling that he felt bubbling inside him. A feeling that he felt since he laid eyes on the criminal that hid behind the locked doors.

It bothered him.

It was a feeling unfamiliar to him, a sentiment similar to what he felt with Ava but more exciting.

Was it love?

He didn't know. The only examples he had was Ava, but all he'd seen was her bedding them.

Blush touched his cheeks at the embarrassing noises he had heard from her bedroom.

A soft creak bought him out of his thoughts, his brown eyes meeting Ava's hazel ones.

"Ava!" he said excitedly, swimming towards her as he wrapped his arms around her torso.

A soft chuckle filled his ears, "Hey sweetie."

Roni looked up at her, pursing his lips, "Can I ask you something?"

Ava tilted her head, arching a single eyebrow, "Anything. What do you wish?"

Roni pulled away, his heart fluttering inside his chest. He wanted to tell Ava about the merman he met but he couldn't bring himself to do so. Instead, he took a different course, asking the one question he begged to know about.

"Can you tell me about my parents?"

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A/N: Well guys, this is my last update before I'm off for a little vacation. I'll probably update on the 16th but if not, it'll be on the 19th. :)

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