the passion in pain

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I've never been in so much pain in my life. All the things that you never thought would run through your mind at this point in your life , are actually going through your mind. And then you start to feel the passion. In its self is no longer pain , or thoughts wondering around inside your head. You're completely, utterly focused on what is happening and not thinking about after words, or anything later on.
But let me not get to ahead of myself. Let me tell you how everything lead up to this pure passion.
As a 17 year old girl in high school , I've learned to focus much more on the work instead of anything else. But I'm in the middle of my senior year , and my mom had a sit down with me.
Mom: Alexandrea I'm actually worried about you now..
Me: mom you have nothing to worry about.
Mom: Alex promise me that you will actually have as much fun as possible in your last year of high school , I give you full permission to do whatever you want , and don't worry to much about school work or anything else.
Me: okay mom.. I'm just hoping you're okay😂
She gave me that oh hush look and walked off , leaving me with a blank stare on my face and a text message from Andrea.
Andrea , my bestie , had texted me telling me I had to come to a party with her. I guess the world knew that my mom wanted me to have fun then.!
I told Andrea that I would go , but she needs to come over to help me find an outfit.
While Andrea Was helping me , she was talking about the party.
She said its at Dylan Tyler's house.
Dylan Tyler is one of the worst richest kids you could know in my high school. And that why him and I used to be best friends when we where young.
Yeah I'm pretty rich if you want to be realistic here. I just gave Andrea a sigh and kept putting on my clothes.
By the time I was settled and ready it was already around 9:30pm , so Andrea wanted to go.
I decided when we got to the party that I was going to get hammered drunk. So that's exactly what I did. I found out that night that I am one crazy drunk girl. I was dancing on tables , take other people's drinks ( which you should NEVER do). I was going bat shit crazy!
But lucky me someone who was actually sober take me down from a table , give me a glass of water ( which I chugged ) , and put me in there car. I wasn't to scared of what was going on , because I think I've seen this guy from around school , and he seems nice. I was sitting in the back of a car , buckled up , half asleep , staring out the window and singing Ellie Golding ' Love Me Like You Do'. And the guy driving me just looked back in the rear view mirror , smiled , and kept driving. Everyone and there mother knew where I had lived since I was around 5 , because my house is literally so fucking huge.
I remember pulling up in the driveway , and being unbuckled. Having a strong pair of arms pick me up bridal style , and then I was out like a light.

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