After Selene entered The Land Of Jordan and never came out her daughter was worried about her. Selene's daughters name was Lila and she was fifteen years old. After seven years growing up without her mother she was curious to find out what happened to her. Lila's father didn't know what happened to her mother so she wanted to find out for herself. She looked through all of her mothers books for hours until she found a book called Mysterious Legends . She skimmed through some of the pages until she saw a page with the name Jordan (The land of eternal life) As Lila read through that chapter she spotted one page that was covered in soda that is her mothers way of marking her pages. She read a few paragraphs and then she saw a picture of a flag. It was a beautiful flag. It had vines and flowers that just fascinated Lila.
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She looked closely at the flag. She noticed that the middle flower had rip in the middle. She tarred it and she found a secret code. She kept reading until she finished the book and on the back cover she saw the same code 97453. Her mother said that was their zip code. Lila looked through every other book her mother had and they all had that code on the back cover. She was so confused and fascinated at the same time, but she got so caught up in reading she forgot it was time for dinner. Lila immediately sprinted down the stairs to the kitchen. She forgot she had told her Father she would make him soup and chicken. It took her a mighty long time to finish but she did and about ten minutes later her dad came home and her food had just finished in the oven and the soup was still warming up in the microwave. They ate the food and it was delicious. After they finished dinner she had to go to bed and the next morning she thought she should take a hike through the woods. She walked a few miles but she came to the end of the pathway and there were just trees. Surprisingly Lila walks through the trees and then she saw a light through on of the trees and she walked to the end and she saw a large wooden gate about one hundred yards away. She walked farther and farther away from the woods but she felt like she was being watched. She heard rustling nosiness in the woods and she was getting scared. Suddenly someone walked out of the woods. It was a taller boy who went to school with Lila, his name was Eli, Lila has had a crush on him since she started in Mr. Jereneky's math class. When she turned around he was walking out of a bush he had been hiding in for the last few minutes. Eli had asked Lila if she needed help. Of corse Lila said yes and Eli came along. Finally they had reached the gate and there was a combination lock on the gate that looked very old and dirty. Since Lila knew they code the gate had opened. As Eli and Lila walked in the had noticed beautiful little cottages all in rows. They all ha four Windows and one door. And they just continued on till the end of that pathway were there was a big house with ten Windows and to doors.