I was so mad!

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A/N: Hey guise! Just wanted to say, thank you to all of the comments and votes! Keep up the fantastic work! Love you uniturtles!

I was so mad:

 "So, tell me what happened" Liam said in a caring tone.

"Yesterday was Niall's and mine annaversary," I began, Liam instantly understanding. He nodded, urging me to continue. "He forgot! I was so pissed off. I waited to see if he was going to realize what he did and say sorry, but he didn't." I paused, Liam had started driving, listening to me as well. "So the next day, we broke up. I just wanted to feel loved. Well, then Luke came and picked me up and we went to his place. We played some games and stuff, then when we were going to sleep, Luke kissed me. So, I freaked out left and now here we are." I told Liam all of this, barely taking any breaths. I felt my face getting red.

"Oh my God," Was all Liam had to say. I looked at the ground and felt a few tears slip down my face. "Hey now don't cry Channy."

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have let you guys adopt me. I'm just ruining everything. You might as well, just send me back!" I started bawling my eyes out. "I'm such a slut! I kissed a guy right after I broke up with someone I love." I was having a anxiety attack, I didn't even let Liam try to calm me down. "I should have died in the train wreck, my parents never did anything wrong." I was literally about to die right now.

"Channy!" Liam yelled at me. I stopped dead in my tracks and looked up at him. "Don't say that. you're so special to us, you don't even know. We love you and we hope to spend the rest of our lives with you." Liam said glancing at me from the road.

"O-okay," I said. I wiped away tears. I couldn't stop crying and I don't even know why. I ran my hands through my hair, "Liam, are we almost home?" I asked him.

"Yeah, in a few minutes we'll be home," He said, watching out for the other drivers. "Want to listen to some music?" Liam asked me.

"I guess so," I shrugged. Liam hit the button and  a 5sos song came on. "Change it. Change it now!" I said trying desperatly to hit the button. Liam hit a button and a new song came on. It was an old Bruno Mars song. I sat back in the chair and let out a sad sigh. "Thanks," I said to him.

"No problem, you probably don't want to listen to them for a while." Liam continued driving in silence for the rest of the drive home.


We eventually arrived home. I still had the thoughts running through my head from eariler. I got out of the car, and walked camly, acting, to wait for Liam to open it. "Thank you, for everything,' I said to Liam. 

I ignored the rest of the boys (Niall) on my way up stairs. I felt the glares on my back. I shook of the feeling that I didn't belong here.

 I opened my door, where my room lay just as I had left it earlier. I went over to my bed and sat down angrily.

 I still had the thought running through my head

'Slut. You kissed a guy you just met. You're so ugly. I don't know why iall would ever date me. I'm so regular.'

 I crossed me legs, hugging my legs to my chest. i let the tears fall, again. I'm worthless. I should just die. I debated over the idea of finally having peacefullness. But i quickly decided against it. I'm not some cliche wannabe. I don't want the troubled fan fiction life.


Niall's P.O.V.

 "Niall!" Liam yelled me name, when he and Channy got home. I saw Channy quickly run up the stairs, I felt a pange of guilt, but it quickly subsited.

I got up and followed Liam's voice, "What? Are you going to break up with me too?" I asked him.

"No, I'm here to talk to you about what Channy and i talked about in the car ride home." Liam looked at me seriously, I could tell that what ever it was it wasn't good.

"W-what happened?" I asked him.

 "Okay, let's start. When I picked up Channing, and she was a complete mess, crying and all," He started. "Then I asked her what was wrong, and she said you guys broke up because you forget you guys anniversary." Liam emphsized the word you. 'She said she didn't belong here and that she should have died in the train wreck and that she has ruined everything from us. She was literally breaking down." Liam looked at the floor, and i think he might be crying.

"What does this mean?" I asked him.

"It means that Channing could possibly be having suicidal tho-" I didn't even let him finsh.

I ran out of the room and up the stairs.

"Shit" I thought. I hope I'm not to late.

I bursted through her door and saw that she was asleep. 

I went over to her and made sure she was just asleep. I noticed dry tears stained on her cheeks.

"Channy, wake up," I shook her shoulder.

"What," She muttered.

"Why didn't you come talk to me?"

"Oh, no reason I was just," She stuttered, not knowing what to say.

"Were you going to.." I couldn't even finsh the sentence.

"No, I wouldn't dare. I decided against it. I thought I would be missed, even though I wouldn't," She looked any where but at me.

"I grabbed her face, im my hands, "Don't you ever, ever think like that again, I love you Channy," I said to her and I kissed her soft, plump lips. I tasted salt on them and I realized that she had been crying. And so had I.


Channy's P.O.V.

Niall told me her loved me, and then he kissed me. But the real question was,' Then why did her break up with me?' i thought it in my head as he still held the kiss strong. I was the first to pull back. "You b-broke up with me, why do you still l-love me?" I stuttered, asking him the question.

"I never stopped loving you," He answered, adn he kissed me again.

I couldn't believe I ever thought of killing myself, I'm so stupid! And an idiot, I upset myself.


A/N: GOD I'm so sorry, I just didn't know what to do!!! I felt sad myself writing this I just couldn't! NOPE! To tragic for me! I don't like wanna upset anyone!

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