Chapter 6

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Camila pov

I thought I was dreaming but as they got closer and closer I could tell it was not a dream. "Why didn't you tell me that we were going to a WWE show and meet my favorite wrestler/diva and her best friend" I said,"because it was a secret duh" Dinah said, "don't get smart with me dumb ass" I said and before she could say anything we seen three people in front of us laughing. "You guys the show is about to start so stop arguing" we hear Normani, Ally, and Lauren at the same time, and let me tell you that shit was creepy ass hell. As we were walking inside I felt someone was watching me but when I turned around I seen nothing. "Are you ok" Lauren ask "yea I'm find, I just have a weird feeling that someone or something is watching me" I said "don't be scared I'm right here, and it probably Luke Harper and Bray Wyatt creeping around" she said. After she said that we walked into the sprint center, so she could get ready for her match against the Kevin Owen, Sheamus, and Rusev

John Cean, Randy Orton, and Lauren Jauregui vs Kevin Owen, Rusev, and Sheamus( pretend that Lauren is Cesaro)(In the video above)

hope u guys like it

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