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I woke up in Josh's arms the next morning. After a day of stress it was nice to cuddle up in bed with my love and just sleep comfortably. It was good while it lasted.

I hopped out of bed and immediately went to the bathroom to start my morning routine. I washed my face and put on a little bit of concealer, but other than that I was makeup free. I slipped on some black leggings and a soft crop sweatshirt, pulling the outfit together with my trusty Ugg boots. I quickly brushed my teeth and flossed, then I headed into the kitchen to find my morning snack. I plucked a banana out of the fruit basket and grabbed my school bag, heading out the door at five forty-five in the morning.

It was a cloudy morning as I walked down the street towards my school, SUNY (State University of New York). I weaved my way through the buildings until I got to the art classroom. As I did so, a male figure stood in my way.

"I thought I'd find you here." Lucas said to me.

"Are you stalking me?" I asked him, trying to side step him. He wouldn't allow me to.

"Maya, I want to apologize." Lucas told me.

"I don't need any sympathy." I told him, trying once more to get around him. When he didn't allow me to, I simply stayed put, arms crossed with my foot tapping impatiently.

"Maya, let me explain." Lucas said firmly. I knew there was no way to get around him, so I let him speak. "I didn't know that you left because of Riley and I and Farkle and Smackle."

"Clearly." I muttered under my breath.

"If I had known I would've fought for you to stay." Lucas said.

I doubt it, I thought.

"Maybe if you had expressed your feelings..."

He was not trying to pin this on me again, was he?

"You're not seriously blaming this on me again are you?" I asked incredulously.

"No, Maya, I'm just saying–"

"You're saying that if I had told you guys about my feelings than it would be different." I said shortly. He nodded. "Well if I had told you guys my feelings Riley would've blamed herself. I would've hurt Riley."

"You hurt Riley by leaving!" Lucas yelled. I glared at him.

"So this is about Riley now?" I yelled back.

"No, this is about all of us!" He shouted.

"Let me go to class, Lucas." I growled.

"No, Maya, not until you understand." He said stubbornly.

"Let me go to class, Ranger Rick!" I said louder, this time more frustrated. He looked shocked at the use of the old nickname. Instantly, I wished I could take it back. Ranger Rick was back when Lucas and I were friends, Ranger Rick was a friendly joke. This situation was anything but.

I stormed past him while he stood there in shock and entered my classroom, letting the door click shut behind me.

"Sorry I'm late, Professor. I got held up by an old...friend." I said the word delicately, as if Lucas would burst in and protest.

"That is fine, Miss Hart." My art professor told me in a monotonous voice. "Please have a seat."

I took my seat in between Grace and Alex. They grinned at me, as if to tell me that they wanted to hear the full story later. I read the words written in chalk on the board.

Paint what you feel. They instructed.

That was all the instruction I needed, I set to work, letting my paintbrush pull me and letting my emotions flow out through the paint.


"Now that you have all finished, please switch with the person sitting to your left." Mr. Bulliet told us. We all obeyed, I passed mine to Grace as Alex passed his to me. "You will all now examine these paintings of your fellow classmates and see if you can observe what they were feeling when they painted this.

I observed Alex's painting. I saw bright flashes of color, the painting was mainly yellow, but different shades. Some were neon yellow, others were just bright yellow, then there was a darker, almost orange yellow. There were also whisps of light blue and light green hues throughout the painting. I thought that this meant he was happy, mostly, with a few darker patches representing the subjects that made him sad or slightly upset. Then I noticed that the entire outside of the painting was darker, almost as if he meant it to be that he was happy but something was starting to overtake it, like an extreme depression that he could just feel creeping in, even if he didn't know why.

"Now tell the artist what you observed." Professor Bulliet instructed, typing slowly on his red dell laptop.

I told Alex what I saw in his painting. I described the yellows and the bright hues and finally I told him my observations on the dark edges and what I thought they represented. He stared at me in awe the entire time I talked. When I was done, he still didn't say anything.

"Alex?" I asked. He blinked a couple times then smiled.

"You knew exactly what I was feeling. How did you do that, Maya? How did you understand the art?" Alex asked me, speaking as if he admired and desired that quality. It made me quite proud that I possessed that trait.

"I don't know. I just...felt it." I explain lamely. Then it was Grace's turn to explain mine.

"Well, here's what I got." She turned my painting towards me. I noticed that it was basically all red. Bright red, mixed with maroon, mixed with cardinal, mixed with an almost black red. Then there were parts that were extremely dark purple. "You're mad."

I laughed.

"I feel stupid because you just explained Alex's so perfectly and specifically and I'm over here and I barely came up with two words." Grace pouted.

"I couldn't describe mine better myself." I informed her, she didn't smile. She just kept looking disappointed.

"That's because your the artist of your painting. You can't describe your own art." Grace sighed.

"No," I protested, "It's because I wasn't feeling anything specific when I painted it. I was only feeling mad and frustrated and angry." I told her, making sure she knew that she was not a disappointment at all.

"Woah," She said in awe. I nodded. "you understand art and people."

That was a total lie. I understood art in a way that I couldn't explain.

Human beings on the other hand, I didn't have a clue.


i love writing about maya's passion for art and i have no idea why lol

i hope u liked it


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