finder keepers chapter 2

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Jonathan Pov

After me and Evan had sex we went right to sleep. In the morning I woke up feeling happy than ever. I went into the living room to watch some T.v but it started to rain "Really when I'm happy af" (af means as faq so yeah!!) And it was only 8:45 Am that was early I mostly wake up in the afternoon but to be honest I wanted Evan all my life ever since
I met him. So I want to make Evan a nice Breakfast.
Evans Pov
I went to sleep right after we had sex and I was up ever since Jon got up and I just Wanted to stay in bed all day when I was going to get up I felt a sting on my arse that felt like a bee bite my arse like holy hell did he thrust me that hard. I all of sudden I heard bacon cooking the smell of it. I went to the bathroom first before I went downstairs. In the bathroom I almost fell but I got my balance I gasped I then I fell down on to the black and white tiles and then I heard Jon coming upstairs he busted the door right open and everything went black
Jonathan Pov

I was making the bacon first and I was stirring the eggs until I heard a thud I called Evan he didn't answer and I went running upstairs fast as I could Evan was in the Bathroom I was pushing the door as hard and then I finally broke the Door I ran up to Evan he fainted I called the hospital right away.
Sorry I haven't been updating lately I Was on vacation for the month so sorry and I had to do this again
Are you:
•single: Yes
•scared of the dark: yes
•scared of heights: yes
•scared of drowning: no
•scared of losing someone: yes

Do you think:
•people talk about you behind your back:yes
•someone loves you (not including family): yes
•someone hates you: yes
•someone is reading this right now: yes

Have you:
•ever wanted to kill someone: yes myself
•felt lonely: yes
•cried your self to sleep:yes
•gone to sleep with your clothes on: yes
•littered: lol yes

Do you:
•like anyone:yes
•want a boyfriend/girlfriend: no wasting time
•have Ebola: no
•like your life: kinda
•wish you could change something from the past: yes
•have a best friend: yes
•want a new best friend: no
•have a phone: yes

How many:
•siblings you got: 0 I'm the baby
•tooth brushes you got: 3
•phone cases you got: 8
PenelopeWolfDanger Sapphireous Wattpad TheHowlingWolf8D MollyPerry4 EXOlution sorry some are on Facebook

Now tag up to 15 people and they have to do it too.
Clean copy in the comments,


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