‹ dino ♡ rainbow!au ›

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» A/N: starting this off with a rainbow!au, where this happy colorful boy represents the colors of the rainbow. Also Pledis isn't an Entertainment in this au, it's a company, there's a mix of third person + first person point of view in this, okay? okay. «

DINO » where he's the only person who makes you love the color orange all of a sudden.

Do you like the color orange?

The question just rolled off your tongue, as you spot your friend, Eren, coming near you wearing a bright orange crew neck, orange socks, orange knit beanie and a dash of orange blush across her cheeks.

Yes, why do you ask?

     Your lips automatically curve into a smile as you laugh at how confident she seems, wearing such an outrages color in winter.

Well.. you're wearing a lot of orange and not that much people wear orange.. in winter.. well at least not like you, and you're walking around so confidently wearing that kind of color.

     You eye her outfit up and down before pulling the fabric of her crew neck between your fingers, lifting it up to show her. Her face stayed the same until she finally registered the words you said.


     You clasp your hand around her mouth as the people passing by give you weird looks from Eren's random outburst, not like they weren't giving you looks anyways. Eren was grabbing way too much attention from everyone. Everything about her just yelled out 'loud and hyper!'

I hate the color orange.

     You dropped your hand from her mouth due to her licking your hand weirdly. She let out a gasp and dramatically placed her hand over her mouth in 'shock.' She stared at you like you were kind of madman.

Well the color orange doesn't like you too.


     All she did was shake her head and grabbed my wrist. She started running through the crowd of people, dragging me along with her. You apologized to everyone you bumped into as she tragically started running between people.

Where are we even going?

     She turned around and placed her finger against her lips and shushed you. It took you guys about 5 minutes to arrive in front of a well decorated building with glass doors. She looked at you, at the building, then at you, at your wrist, at the building then you again. She flashed a crooked smile and yet again, dragged you into this weird place.

Pledis Company, land of people who love the color orange even in winter.

     You must've looked baffled because your mouth hung open and your eyes were wide. Pledis Company where they sell good products and have the most cutest and hottest models. As you tried speaking, a group of four guys walked by, wearing orange, something alike to what Eren was wearing. But one boy stood out from the rest, he had brown fluffy hair, mono eyelids and a cute smile planted on his face, his aura was different, it was bright and bubbly.

He's cute.


     You didn't have time to stop her from yelling again as the group of boys whipped around quickly to look at you guys. The boy who caught your eyes has now met eyes with you, your ears heated up and you awkwardly scratch your neck and glare at Eren.

Oh hi Jun, Minghao, Hoshi and Dino.

     How does she know these people and who the heck is Dino specifically? Also, why are they wearing such an ugly color like orange? Are you the only one who hates the color orange?

Oh hey Eren, who's that with you?

     It took you a moment to think about who they were talking about, they were talking about you. They walked closer to you guys and now you can fully see the boys face.

 They walked closer to you guys and now you can fully see the boys face

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The cute boy I was looking at smiled brightly at me showing me his cute smile. His eyes slowly forming into a moon crescent, with his eyebrows moving along with it, while his hair bounced on top of him due to him walking towards us.

They stop walking until they were about 4 steps away from us. The cute boy who I really need the name of stood there awkwardly fiddling with his fingers as his I'm guessing, friends, were taking turns greeting me. When it came to him, he bowed shyly.

Hello, I'm Lee Chan but my stage name is Dino, and I look up to Micheal Jackson.

He finished off with a thrust that Micheal Jackson usually does and I gave him a round of applause. After a short minute of silence, Eren pointed to me and introduced me since she obviously felt the nervous feeling I was radiating off of my body.

This is Y/N and she thinks one of you guys are cute, also she doesn't like orange.

All the guys chuckle at her introduction for me while Dino let out a Godly laugh. His laugh made me feel a bunch of butterflies erupt from my stomach, my heart started fluttering and my cheeks heated up. I don't know how he did it but somehow I'm falling for him more than I thought I would be. He caught my gaze and I looked away quickly.

Really, which one of us do you think is cute? I bet it's me, I'm a real ladies man.

The boy with the dirty blondish hair let out, his name was Jun. I could tell his tone was joking but somehow I let out an awkward giggle that sounded like I was choking on a ball. They all looked at me waiting for an answer. I looked down and pulled a strand of my hair behind my ear before gaining the courage and looked up directly at Dino and pointed at him.

I think that boy who loves Michael Jackson is Cute.

Eren let out and loud laugh and wrapped her arm around me. The other three boys acted like they were hurt as they placed their hand on top of their chest and let out scoffs. While Dino on the other hand was scratching behind his ear and flashing me smiles all over the place. Never in my life have I felt my face heat up so badly.

Well we should get going now, our break is almost over, Dino say goodbye to your future girlfriend.

Dino waved at me before getting pulled away by the other three members. He turned around and flashed me one last smile before disappearing into a different room that leads to the offices. My eyes lingered from the door to Eren.

I think I love the color orange now.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2016 ⏰

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