He's what!?

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   Zack didn't look so happy with me and his father was shocked as well. Travis still haven't came back with the wet towel.

   "You what!?" John asked concerned while putting a hand on Zack's shoulder.

Zack looked down and took in a deep breath.

   "I cheated on May with..."

   "Don't say her name." I cut him off.

   "With the girl that died today." Zack mumbled.

John smacked Zack in the back of the head really hard, to the point where Zack looked like a bobble head for a minute.

  "What did I tell ya boy!? You have a good one! And your gonna cheat on her with a skank!?" John said with anger.

Zack looked down and then up.

  "I'm sorry." He cried. "I already feel terrible about it! I know it was the wrong thing to do but I couldn't help it. I was in the heat of the moment, she came onto me first." He cried harder.

  John looked at me not saying a word but expecting me to. I didn't.

   "I'll be right back." John said while headings downstairs.

Seeing Zack the way I did made me wanna cry. He looked liked a puppy that has been abused and needs someone to love and give him a home. I patted to the spot next to me and Zack looked up at me like he was asking for permission. I nodded and patted it again. He crawled up next to me and I cuddled up with him while ignoring my pain.

    "I'm sorry Zack." I said while rubbing his chest.

   He wiped his eyes and hugged me.

   "Don't be, I'm the one who cheated on you. I'm the one who should be sorry, and I am. I'm really sorry may. I love you. I love you so much." He kissed the top of my head and got off the bed and onto one knee in front of me and pulled out a black box.

   "May Marie Moyer... Will you marry me?" He asked holding the box with a beautiful ring inside.

I looked at him and his eyes watering. I couldn't say no even if I wanted to. I love him even if I didn't want to.

    "Yes." I said trembling while crying.

He put the ring on my finger and kissed my lips and got back next to me on the bed.

~~20 minutes passed~

   20 minutes has passed an John plus Travis is no where to be found. Until John and him walked in.

   "Travis tell her." John demanded.

Travis looked at me and then the ground.

  "May... I'm..." He started but then stopped.

I could see Zack smirking.

   "I'm gay." He said with a sigh. "But that kiss was amazing." He smirked.

  "Ay I can still kick your ass." Zack muttered.

   "You gay?" I asked in shock.

He laughed and went in the hallway and came back with a handsome guy.

  "Yeah.... And this is my boyfriend, mason, don't worry he knows." He said while turning mason to the side and gripping his ass. They stood there kissing and touching each other like it was a porn show for viewers at home.

   "Okay, okay, quit." Zack and John said while laughing.

   "Sorry bro about kissing your girl... We cool?" Travis asked.

   "Yeah, we cool." He smirked. "But if you do it again I'll kill you." He laughed.

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