Entry One

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Entry One: How to (not) Survive School

All of you know that I'm still in school, and that I don't enjoy it. It's hasn't got anything to do with the classes or teachers (okay, maybe some of the teachers), it's just that yoou've got to admit, school is full of twats. Even though I enjoy my time there and actually like a lot of people in my class, there are just some people who I feel like are born here to give me hard time with my life. Call me pathetic, but I swear. Here are some stories of my annoying pricks of classmates:

1. It just came to a point where I was so sick of my classmates dancing "Gangnam Style" that I almost snapped at them. Don't worry, I didn't. Sadly.

2. I was walking down the hall on my way to the cafeteria when I realized that I left my lunch bag in the classroom due to my amazing memory. But just as I got there, a guy was actually taking sandwiches out of my very lunch bag. He was lucky he was still alive, he's actually a close friend of mine. But he earned a week of no talking from me and apologized. I'm still annoyed at him for his little 'slip-up'.

3. I have this friend called- wait, I souldn't say that, should I? Let's just call her Janice. Now Janice was a popular girl in my grade, well not THAT popular. She always had trouble with boys. Believe it or not. She's basically the typical teenager that likes lip gloss too much or something. Well a lot of people hate her, passionately. But I stayed with her for a while until she eventually transferred. It just came to this point that she was complaining DAILY about her guy problems and I just sat there, thinking of ways to kill her and making it look like an accident. Here are some of her complaints: "Ohmygosh girl, do I have enough lip gloss on?", "Will James like this look I got out ESPECIALLY for him?", even "Jame's isn't here yet, why isn't he here yet?!" Then she cries pathetically

You guys know the rest of the drill, my advice would've been something like "Stay in school and do your best" but I don't do that type of thing. And who came here to listen to positive anecdotes, right? Right. Now, I'd like to give you a few things that you'd like to avoid doing once you're in the hell zone.

1. Leaving your homework till the last minute. Trust me, my school is really big on rules and doesn't let you do your homework in between classes after the day it's been giving, so slacking off isn't really an option.

2. Talk back to your teachers so they'll gain respect. Please do not do this unless you want a one-way ticket to the principle's office.

Now that I've given you a little run down on the basics, I'll leave everything else to my husband, Dan Howell, to explain the rest on the sidebar.

I'll keep you posted,

Estelle, the Drama Llama

Next Entry: Stupid, Stupid

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