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I slammed the sheet music onto the table as my friends Zina and Mini looked towards me.

"I cant get it right! She's gonna kill us."

"It'll be fine." Zina reassured me, "I'm sure she wont do anything too bad."

Mini crossed her arms over her chest.

"Pft, she's younger than you, and you're our leader, she needs to get a grip!"

I slouched on her padded stool and sighed. It had been over two days since I made the sheet music for my band's new song, but I still couldn't get even my own song right.

"Aughhhh!" I grabbed my hair and shouted.

There were 4 people in the band, Me (Areum), Mini, Zina and Hyera. Me and Hyera are cousins, and to be frank, we hate each other. The process kinda goes like this:

I make songs,

Mini makes dances,

Zina keeps us all in order,

Then Hyera... I guess her job was ordering us around, even though I was the leader.

If we did anything that wasn't 'to her Highnesses standards' then we would know it. For example, once we were preforming live and Zina slipped. Hyera kept her cool until we went backstage, and then she lost it. Lets just say that it wasn't pretty.

"What should I do?"

The stress was building up.

Zina waddled over to me and motioned for me to budge up on my seat, so I moved halfway up to allow her to sit down.

"It will be fine, I'm sure."

Just as she was going to give me a hug, the door abruptly slammed open to reveal the pale, brown haired devil causing all this misery. The tapping of her heels echoed through the room until she reached me and Zina. We both gave each other a look and avoided eye contact with her. Mini was leaned against the wall.

"So, how's the music going?"

Her eyes travelled to the sheet music which managed to fall off the piano unnoticed. She picked it up and turned it around, so all of us could see it.

"This isn't meant to be on the floor, is it?"

We stayed silent.

"IS IT?" She crumpled up the paper and threw it at us in anger.

"No." Mini managed to say.

"So why was it, care to explain?"

I closed my eyes and tried to stay calm, but it didn't work.


I stood up and walked over to the paper on the ground, picking it up.

"W-what did you just say to me?"

I threw the paper in her direction, hitting her on the head.


The room went silent. Regret. I instantly regretted letting my thoughts slip out.

"You're out."

"What?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You're out of the band, all three of you, get out of my sight."

My eyes widened.

"B-but you cant kick me out of my own band."

"Watch me, I SAID GET OUT!"

I gave up and just stomped out of the room in fury. The office workers were staring at me, they knew this wasn't my true nature. After a while I saw the massive glass doors leading outside. I opened them and sat on one of the cold, hard stone steps leading up to them.

Wow, I just left my whole career behind huh?

I chuckled in pity for myself.

Surprised, I jumped when Zina and Mini touched my shoulders and sat down either side of me.

"I wasn't expecting that."

"Me either." Mini added, "So what made you stand up to her?"

"I don't know, I guess I was just fed up. I kinda regret it now though, I mean what are we meant to do? Hyera can still continue as a solo artist. I gave her a whole bundle of songs for the new album, and she still has them. She could use them until she runs out!" I blurted out.

"It's fine, they wont keep a singer who lacks talent." Mini said.

"But that's also another problem, as much as I hate to say it... Hyera isn't a bad singer."

Zina nodded her head before talking.

"But what about the songs? She definitely cant write those."

"She could hire a songwriter." Mini said for me.

I let out yet another sigh and thought.

"So... what are you guys gonna do? Carry on with music?"

Zina hesitated.

"I-I don't think I will, I'm sorry, it's just my dad wants me to take over his family business, and now would be a good time to start..."

"I don't want to either, I'm more interested in making choreography, not preforming it." Mini said.

"We're so sorry!" They shouted in unison.

Both of the girls jumped on me, and embraced me in a hug.

"It's fine." I laughed, "It's still hard to accept that we wont be a group anymore though. I know we weren't popular, but I really enjoyed it."

"What about you?" Zina asked.

"I think I'm going to carry on..."

"But you just said you couldn't accept that we weren't a group, so why...?" Zina asked in confusion.


Acceptance (Park Jimin)Where stories live. Discover now