Chapter Four

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AUTHORS NOTE!!!! I am so sorry this took so long to update things have been hectic. I hope you enjoy!!

Vic's P.O.V:

I looked around the white room, I wanted to look everywhere but at him. "You know Vic, I know he hurt you and everything but at least we know he's somewhat alive. Vic we found him passed out in his own vomit, his blood alcohol level was .99% and he tested positive for cocaine, weed, and heroin. We need to help him, I honestly don't know what happened to make him feel this way but for fucks sake Vic he needs our help!!" Mike said almost crying. Mike and Kellin were really close before Kellin left. They told each other everything, they were like brothers and they knew when each other was upset. I remember Mike telling me he knew Kellin was depressed again before he left, but he wouldn't tell Mike which was strange as hell.

I looked over at Kellin finally and I saw how awful he looked. Sure he looked peaceful but I could tell there were dark circles under his eyes from not sleeping, he has scars and fresh cuts all over his arms, he looked like he hadn't eaten in days and his hair was greasy indicating that he hadn't showered in awhile. The more I studied him the more he looked broken to me.

Mike had left to go get us coffee. A few minutes later I heard a groggy groan. I looked up from my hands that I was currently playing with. Kellin was rubbing his eyes, as soon as he noticed I was sitting there his eyes widened and his cute sleepy face that he used to have when he woke up turned to a blank face with cold icy eyes.

"I'll go get the doctor..." I said trailing off awkwardly, then I walked out of the room and wandered down to the nurses station. Soon I found the doctor, I told him Kellin was awake and he went back with me to check up on him. I stood outside as him and Kellin talked. I heard what sounded like crying. A little bit after that the doctor came back out, he turned and stood infront of me. "Are you Vic?" He asked me with a sympathetic look on his face. I nodded yes because honestly if I were to start talking I know I would burst into tears. "Look I know this may not be the time but I need you to take care of Kellin until we can get a place for him in rehab. Kellin cant be left alone he needs to detox and be clean with no drugs in his system. The rehab we're sending him to does not have the equipment to deal with detox. Can you agree to this? I Know your on tour right now but I can tell he needs you."

I stood there for a few minutes mulling over what he said and made a list of pros and cons in my head.


-Maybe he will come back

-Maybe I'll find out why he left

-He will be able to get better again possibly


-I'm on tour and don't know if we have enough room on the bus

"Let me make a call to my management and see what I can do." I said while pulling out my phone. A few minutes later I was filling out paper work and getting Kellins medications. I had to sign a state form and court order saying that Kellin has to stay with me until rehab if he didn't want to go to prision for drugs and public intoxication over the legal limit. Then I went in with the doctor to tell him.

Kellin's P.O.V:

I was laying there waiting for my release paperwork and the pain pills I know they would give me. That's when Vic, a police officer, and the doctor came in. "Mr.Bostwick." The doctor said with a sympathetic look on his face. "Please call me Quinn instead of Bostwick, I hate that name." I said looking at him. "Mr.Quinn." He said correcting himself. "I am sorry but we have been in contact with a judge since you have came in. The cop that arrested you has decided to pursue you and press charges against you for public intoxication, intoxication over the legal limit and drug use. You will be released into the custody of Victor Fuentes who you are court ordered to stay with until we have a bed available in rehab." The doctor said looking directly at me and not breaking eye contact. "You are hereby court ordered to stay with Victor Vincent Fuentes unless you are to sick to move, or you are in the hospital. Since Victor is on a tour you must wear and aknle bracelet on you at all times and when we are ready for you we will send a police escourt to accompany you to rehab. If you are found without Victor or choose not to stay with him you will just be sent to prison until you can be sent to rehab. Do you agree to stay with Victor Vincent Fuentes?" The cop said stepping forward. I looked around this must be a joke, I don't have a problem. I could stop anytime I wanted to. I looked around again and realized that this in fact was not a joke. I stayed there in thought for a little while before coming to the conclusion that I honestly did not want to go to jail again.

"Yes, I will stay with him." I finally said barely audible. I hung my head in shame and a few tears slid down my face as the officer put the ankle bracelet on me. A little while later Vic and I were gathering my things from my hole in the wall apartment and Mike was driving us to my new home, Pierce The Veils tour bus.

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