number thing agaiiinnn cause im bored af

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1. Single af

2. Janelle

3. ...... Hasn't happened yet

4. I have no idea :D lil help pls

5. I_Am_Band_Trash_

6. Planetary [GO!], Thank You For The Venom, The Ghost Of You, I'm Not Ok (I Promise)

7. 5'7 :/

8. 110 pounds

9. *awkward silence cause it hasn't happened yet*

10. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA of course not

11. I have a really hard time saying no

12. Not yet :/ but ima get my ears, lip, nose, belly button, and tongue done

13. Two months

14. The first one.

15. White

16. Everything ._.

17. SariahR

18. I can barely get one person to like me, what makes you think I could get two??? No I've never cheated and never will.

19. To meet my internet friends :D

20. Once my sister was sitting on the couch and fell off, and when I asked what happened she said "my head got heavy."

21. Pool... Im scared of the ocean.

22. Ha..ha..HAHAHAHA ew no

23. ...yeah.. A lot

24. 15

25. Don't have ig but I'll put for Wattpad: 666 followers :D

26. Pasta

27. SariahR pizzaandfiji and I_Am_Band_Trash_

28. unicorn_flash I think

29. Black :D like my soul

30. Not yet :D

31. Uhh stuff but I won't say cause you'll flip shit

32. My first grade teacher. She hated me, I hated her.

33. What about it? Like am I in school? Not at the moment, its still summer for me.

34. Ha hell nah

35. None bitch

36. If I had to chose probably a girl they're easier (I have two sisters and two brothers and im in charge of babysitting)

37. Yep ^~^ nine cats two dogs

38. Uhh I don't wanna tag them :T PM if you really wanna know

39. Not saying

40. Not saying

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