Ch.1- Crushing

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I need answers. I've been up in my room all day stalking my best friends brothers Instagram. He posted a picture with some girl I've never seen before and I have some sort of a crush. Okay, so it's just some typical Highschool crush, but still. I'm also looking for some advice. I can't go to my best friend, because, well, it's her brother. I scroll down on my computer and try to find simple ways to get someone to like you. But who said that love is simple, right?
"Annie! Get down here already! It's time for gymnastics!" I hear my mom yell from down stairs.
Crap. I'm still in my pajamas and I completely forgot about gymnastics today.
"Coming!" I yell. I quickly slip out of my clothes and put on the first leotard in sight. It's probably dirty but I carry on. I look at my legs and realize that I haven't shaved in forever. I find two day old leggings and put them on quickly.
"Annie! Come on!" My mom yells.
I grab my bag and a hair tie and run to the car where my mom is waiting.
"Annie, we have to pick up Katie. You need to be quicker." My mom says while pulling out as fast as she can.
"Sorry mom, I was on my computer and completely forgot." I say putting my hair up.
"It's alright. You have water right? And a snack if you get hungry?" She asks making sure that I have everything I need.
"Yes, I even have a snack for Katie invade she gets hungry."
"You are a great friend, Annie." My mom smiles at me. A few minutes later we get to Katie's house and she's already waiting outside.
"Hey guys!" Katie hops in the back. My mom pulls out and starts driving to the gym.
"Ugh, I forgot my snack again." Katie digs around in her bag.
"I got you Kate." I say. I open my bag to get her snack of grapes and raspberries when I see that I only brought one grip in stead of both.
I put my head up in frustration, " I only brought one grip." I look at Katie who holds up an extra pair of grips for me.
"Awe, you know me." I say grabbing the grips and tossing her the snack.
We get to gym and everyone is already starting their stretches. We quickly put our bags away and get to the floor to stretch.
After gymnastics we go to Katie's house.
"We're home!" Katie yells as we walk into her house.
"Hey." Brennan says as he looks through the fridge for food. He looks pretty cute in his white shirt. The girl that I don't know from Brennan's Instagram post is sitting at the table.
"This is Allie." Brennan says introducing us to the bleach blonde haired girl. She looks like one of those bratty white girl's with a fake tan.
"Allie, this is my sister Katie and her friend Annie." Brennan says pointing at us.
Allie looks me up and down with a disturbed face. I look back at her. Katie notices and puts her warm on my shoulder.
"Okay, well, we will be in my room. We will just leave you two to the fridge." Katie says awkwardly and we turn around and start walking to Katie's room.
"Wait," Brennan stops us, "we are going to a nature park to walk around, do you guys want to come with us?" Brennan asks a little desperate. I realize that he really wants us to go. I don't think he really likes his friend Allie too much. I don't really want to, but Brennan is a great friend to me so, I don't mind. Katie and I nod at each other and say sure at the same time.
"I'm going to the bathroom." Allie says a little disgusted. I think it's because Brennan invited us to go somewhere that they were going to go alone. The girl gets up and walks to the bathroom. Brennan is watching her and makes sure he shuts the door. After making sure that she is out of the room he turns to us.

"Okay, so I don't really like this girl. She asked me on a date and said that I could pick where do I picked a place where she doesn't want to be, the park. I invited you guys too because I know that she would be pissed. I think it's working." He whispers.
Katie and I giggle. "Why would you even say yes to a date if you don't like the girl?" Katie asks confused.
"It was a bet I lost with Caleb. I had to say yes to any one who asks for a date." He says still whispering. I furrow my eyebrows. I realize that if I asked him on a date first, he would have said yes. Oh well, I probably wouldn't have had the guts to actually ask him.
Allie comes out of the bathroom. She stares at me in the eyes as she walks past.
"Okay then, shall we go?" Brennan asks. Katie and I nod.
"Oh wait." Katie stops and looks at what Allie is wearing. A mini pencil skirt and a jacket with heels. She must have thought that she was going to a fancy dinner. "Allie, would you like to borrow some of my clothes? We are going to a park you know. There is dirt there."
"Um, no. I don't want to wear your ratty clothes. You have probably sweated in them." She says with a bratty attitude.
"Woah! She was trying to be nice." I try and defend my best friend.
"Ugh. Whatever." Allie walks off, grabbing her Chanel purse with her heels clicking. This girl is on her way to being Regina George. Or the Chanel no.1.

Chapter two
Brennan starts to drive us in his new car. Regina, oh, I mean Allie crosses her arms. Gosh, she's tremendously stuck up.
"Hey Brennan turn up some tunes!" Katie yells from the back. Brennan turns up the song which is "Work from Home" by Fifth Harmony.
"Woah! Throwback to 2016!" Katie yells trying to be obnoxious.
"WORK FROM HOME OHH OHH!" Katie, Brennan, and I yell.
"STOP! I HATE THIS SONG!" Allie yells as Katie and I giggle. Allie quickly turns off the radio and crouches back in her seat.
"Allie, don't be a party pooper." Brennan says pulling into a party space.
"Don't tell me what to do." She gets out of the car and stands in front of it to wait for us.
"Wow, that's a real catch Brennan." Katie says as I giggle.
"Yeah, I'm very proud of my self." Brennan helps us out.
We start walking with Allie trailing behind us throwing a fit.
"I'm tired. Can we just sit in this bench?" Allie wines.
"Okay sure." Brennan says sitting down. Allie sits down right next to him. He scoots over so that he's not so close. She gets closer to him, and so on.
"Okay, let's keep walking." Brennan catches up to us.
"Hey look a rock mountain." I start running over to a pile of rocks.
"I'm going to climb it." I get on top of a big one.
"Annie, I don't think that's a very good idea. It doesn't seem sturdy." Brennan says looking out for me.
I start climbing it. "Well, it looks pretty sturdy to me." I climb up one more step and my foot slips. My knee scrapes along the rocks and a falls little bit. I'm not too high up so when I fall, it doesn't hurt. What hurts is me knee.
"Oh, ow!" I say looking at the blood coming out of my swelling cuts.
"Annie!" Katie yells.
"Annie, I'll help you!" Brennan comes and swoops me up in his arms bridal style.
He starts walking quickly to the car.
"Thanks Brennan." I say hugging him. I can see Allie throwing a fit and watching me in Brennan's arms.
"No problem. Just don't do anything like that again. I care about you too much, Annie." He smiles at me and looks me in the eyes. I smile and blush. Eventually Katie runs to my side and opens the door for me.
"Katie, you drive, I'll clean Annie's leg up in the back." Brennan directs her.
"Well, what do I do?!" Allie huffs.
"Sit and don't do anything." Brennan smiles at her sarcastically.
On the way to the E.R, Brennan sits next to me with my leg on his lap.
"How's that?" He asks while dabbing my knee cuts with a wet napkin. The blood is getting everywhere so Brennan had to take off his shirt and wrap it around my knee. It wasn't life threatening, it just looked gory.
"Brennan, I will buy you a new shirt." I demand.
"No, it's alright. Anything for you. Besides, I've got so many plain white shirts." He smiles
"Can you just bring me home?" Allie scoffs.
"Allie, we have to get Annie to the E.R. we don't have time to bring you home." Katie says.
"I just want to leave!" Allie yells childishly.
"Well, if you want to get out so badly," Katie pulls over to the side of the road, "then get out." We all look at Allie.
"W-what? You are just going to leave me here?!" She yells.
"Umm, yeah. Walk to a bench, call a Uber, I don't care. Just get out." Katie gets defensive.
Brennan and I look at Allie with "what are you waiting for?" faces.
"W-Wh- UGH!" She stampedes out and we leave her. I watch as she gets farther and farther away. She still has that shocked look on her face.
After, we all laugh hysterically. Brennan eventually finds a shirt.
We get to the emergency room and check in. Within five minutes I am getting tested for any breaks or invade I need stitches. We already called my mom and she is on her way.
"Well, your in luck, there are no breaks and none of the cuts are big enough to need stitches." The doctor says. "Just ice it to keep the swelling down and I will bandage you up." He cleans it with something and puts a big bandage on it before wrapping some ice into it.
"Thanks! We will probably see you soon." Brennan says trying to be funny.
"Oh Annie! Are you alright?!" My mom says running up to us while we walkout of the doctors office.
"Oh thank god. What happened?" She asks relieved.
"I just slipped on a rock at the park." I say.
"There was no break and she doesn't need stitches. She just needs to ice her knee." Brennan adds.
"Oh thanks Brennan, your so sweet." My mom hugs him. "Okay Annie, do you want to come home or Jill said that you can sleep over."
"I'll sleep over at their house." I smile at Brennan and Katie.
"Okay, I brought some clothes for you just in case." We all go to my moms car and get my bags then we drive to Brennan and Katie's house in Brennan's car.

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