Gone Into Fire

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*One year later*

As you walked up the steps to the orphanage you were moving into, you sighed at all the papers you had to sign. You knocked on the door and were met with a boy around your age. He had brown hair, light eyes, and wore a tee with short sleeves, opposite to the long sleeved shirt you wore. "Hey, I've come to live here, is the headmaster here?" You asked him. "Mom! Get down here someone needs to see you!" He yelled behind him.

"Hey, I'm Jonah. What's your name?" He asked. "Little Can-" You stopped yourself before presenting him with the name you were used to presenting people with. "I mean, y/n." You said, heaving a sigh of relief.

"So you're the one who's come to live here! Nice to meet you! I'm Mom to them, but you can call me Jenna if you want." She held out her hand for you to shake. You took it, still nervous, trying to forget the past.

You didn't want to hurt these people, did you? It was best to try to keep your mind off of him, and all the others. The thought of them made you boil, made you want to slit a throat or two.

You walked inside with the box of belongings you had. "You'll have to room with Jonah here is that okay?" Jenna said. "Um, yea." You looked at the box in your hands and your hands trembled a little.

"Don't worry sweetie, we'll go shopping soon." Jenna tried to interpret. "Ha, it's funny how adults and normal people think." You said, a small smile reaching your lips, but you quickly wiped it off. Smiling wasn't exactly your thing.


Walking up to your room, following Jonah, you thought about sleeping. It was rather warm in here, and you couldn't exactly wear short sleeves, soo...

"Well, here's the place. Just make yourself comfortable." He said, then walking out of the room. You sighed and looked in the box, naming them out loud and setting them on the bed in front of you. "So, we have some clothes, a lamp, a console, some video games, controller, and some money I 'found'..... some keys I don't really need... and that's it!" You said, examining the objects laid out on the bed. But as you checked the box one last time you saw something else.

You picked it up, and instantly tears filled your eyes. "This was, Jeffs favorite knife... and wait, this isn't my console, and this is Bens game! And Jane's favorite brand of make up..." you sobbed and put it all back in the box, keeping the lamp and clothes out. Crying as you put the clothes into your dresser.

"Yo, y/n! You cool? It's time for dinner." Jonah said. "Oh, yeah! I'm fine!" You said wiping away the tears. Jonah left and you tried to make yourself as presentable as possible.


The dinner here was not as rowdy, so you could enjoy the steak they gave you. "It's still not the same..." you said, stabbing a slice of steak with your knife.

"As what? The place you were at before you came to live with us?" A little girl said.

"You could say that... whats your name little girl?" You asked her. "My name's Jane! Call me Bunny!" She said. Your eyes widened. "Oh. Okay Bunny, now, eat your dinner so you'll be strong just like her.." you said, as your eyes watered.

"Who's her, Mommy?" The girl asked. "Well, she has your name, and she's really pretty, she looks a little like you!" It was no lie, the little girl had the same nose, and the same jawline. You turned back to your food and continued to eat.


So, life at the orphanage you had been able to accustom to. There were no fatal injuries like per usual, and most everyone got along. This was a choice you had to make to save yourself from your insanity. Spending a year giving up killing and your cannibalism, you eventually could pass as a normal person and only felt a small urge about once a day, and you could control it as long as you at least growled at them an then threatened them and tugged on their arm. Simple.

"Bunny! Wait up!" You yelled at the little girl, who was running along the beach. "Probably should've kept running this past year.." you tried to catch your breath before running again. You got in the car with Bunny, when you got in your car to bring you and Bunny back home, Bunny got a sad face. "Mommy? When can we go see Daddy And Uncle Ben and Aunt Janey?" She asked. Your eyes widened, she had never asked this before, she did call you mommy all the time, but she had never mentioned these people before. Your face boiled hot, and you slammed the door behind you and roughly started the car. "I don't think we will for a while." You said as you drove back home.

To be honest, you still loved Jeff, and Ben and Jane. They were your friends, and Jeff, well, he was special. When you left them, you felt like you wouldn't be able to bear seeing them again, not after what you did. What they did. What had given your sanity back.


As you carried Bunny to her room to let her take a nap, you felt like you had to go see them again. It was decided. You laid Bunny in her bed, you kissed her forehead. "Mommy's going away for a little while, I'll be back soon, okay?" You said to Bunny.

"It's okay Mommy, I know why, you spend as much time as you want with Daddy And Uncle Ben And Aunt Janey. I'll wait with Jonah, okay?" Bunny said. Jonah walked in and sat next to Bunny.

"We'll wait for you, okay mom?" Jonah said. This was the first time he called you that, was something happening?

As you looked at them smile at you, they disappeared, turning into steam. "Bunny? Jonah? Where did you go?"


As you cried all the drive long to your hometown, you tried to figure out how they knew about your friends. Parking in the abandoned parking lot of your favorite park, you got out, it was night, maybe Jeff was out. You didn't see him, so you walked into the forest, ready to get beat to a pulp by any living thing that wondered here. You got to the house safely, and knocked on the large door. When the door opened, there was EJ, who was very surprised. "Show me to Jeff." You said in a demanding tone. He showed you to Jeff, well, Jeffs door.

Waiting a second before knocking, you sighed. You knocked twice, and waited. You could hear the twist of a lock and and a swivel of a doorknob. When the door opened, Jeffs eyes widened, showing he was surprised to see you. "Jeff.. what color is your hair?" You asked quickly. "Uh, black? When did you get here?" He asked, confused. "No, before then! What color is it supposed to be?" You asked, hoping to get answers. "Brown? Why are you asking these questions?" He said, now getting serious. "Because, I love you." You said now hugging him. He hugged you back. "Where did you go?" He asked, not pulling away. "I lived in a old orpanage with Bunny and Jonah." You said, feeling a smile reach you.

"But," you said, pausing to kiss him, "I want to see my friends too."

Walking to Bens room, you thought about what to say, definitely something you used to say when getting him out of his room.... aha! Got it!

"Ben! Get out here so we can play a game!" You yelled and knocked at the same time. The door opened and Ben shouted, "is this some kind of trick to- y/n? Y/n! When did you get back?" Ben asked you. "Where have you been?"

"Well, let's just say your Niece wanted me to come back." You said, and hugged him quickly. "Wait, niece? Are you-" "No! I'll explain later. Right now, I'm going to see Jane." You then walked to her room.

"Jane! Stop putting on make up and come talk to me!" You yelled from across the door. Jane opened up the door. When she saw you, her face lit up. "Y/n! Oh my god I missed you! Where did you go?" She asked and ran up to you to hug you. "This may clear up the question: I am an orphan. I have no family. I am under the age of 18, I have no job. Where do I live?" You asked her. "Um, an orphanage?" Jane guessed. Partly right, but that is invalid now. "No, I live here! Get it?" You explained.


Getting ready for bed. Your favorite part of the day. Pulling on your short sleeved shirt, you hoped that you had some long sleeved shirts by morning.

You crept into bed, pulling the covers over you. You felt Jeff get into bed beside you, like always. like it used to be.

"Y/n? Can I asked you something?" Jeff said, putting his arm around you. You nodded. "Will you marry me?" He asked, with a genuine smile. "Yes, Jeff. I will." You said, your mind then lingering to sleep. You fell asleep with a smile. So did Jeff, like most nights, you know. But you were both happy. It was not very clear what would happen, but it was going to get better from now on.

You had good dreams, dreams of black and red, and white, and baby pink and baby blue.

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