Chapter 1

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I found a friend or two

Your POV

Today is the first day of school I'm so excited. I heard my alarm clock go off, so I got ready to go to school. I'm wearing maroon pants and nirvana t-shirt and a leather jacket. (I don't really like the scarf but if you want you can wear it)

When I was done I grabbed some toast and ran to my limo heading to school

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When I was done I grabbed some toast and ran to my limo heading to school.

~Time skip~

I don't think I'll know any one here. What if I get bullied. Before I could think about it any more a familiar blonde came into view.

"Adrien?" I asked tapping his shoulder. He turned around to see my (ec) lock with his green ones.

"(Fn) what are you doing?" Adrien asked clearly happy to see me. Which made me even happier. When I was about to say something a blonde pushed me out of the way.

"Adri-kins!!! I missed you!" The blonde stated and started to try to kiss his cheek it hurt my heart a little to see that. When I was about to go I felt something grab my wrist. I looked to see Adrien with a sad look on his face.

"(Fn) where are you going?" He asked sadly. I yanked back my wrist. I looked at him.

"Oh I'm sorry Adri-kins I thought you wanted to be alone with Barbie! And for you information I'm going to the office." I said clearly upset. He looked sad and hurt at my words.

"Want me to show you..." before he could finish. I said.

"No I'm fine just go back to your girlfriend already! I bet she misses you!" I stormed off to the office not caring about who say that.

~Time skip~

After I got my schedule I headed to my class seeing the teacher first. Her eyes lit up to see me.

"Class! We have a new student with us! Would you like to introduce yourself?" She asked me I simply nodded and looked around the room see the blonde and then Adrien. Oh great!

"Hello everyone! My name is (fn) (ln) and I moved here from (cn) ((country name)) and I hope I can make an acquaintance with all of you." I smiled to the class and the teacher showed my to my seat next to a red head to is really good at drawing. Before I knew it. It was lunch time. I grabbed my lunch and sat in the cafeteria thinking no one sit with me. But to my surprise and blue headed girl and a brown haired girl came over asked sit with me I nodded not wanting to be rude.

"Hi I'm Alya!" The brown haired one said.

"And I'm Marinette!" The blue haired one said. I was about to say something but I was interrupted by at boy with headphones with... Adrien... Great.

"What's up dudettes!" He yelled. I looked at Alya needing help.

"Oh the one with headphones is Nino and the blonde is Adrien. Boys this is... Sorry I don't think I caught your name." Alya said in a kind tone.

"I'm (fn) nice to meet you and you meet you again Adrien." I whispered the last part but he still heard it. We all talked and laughed for the whole since we all had the same classes.

~time skip~
After school I went to my limo and left but one thing I didn't know was that I would have a visitor in my room tonight...

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