chapter 1

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"Who is that?" I asked.

"That is pepper." Kingston answered.

I scoffed. "Pepper? Her parents named her after something you put on your eggs?"

He turned to me. "Don't mock her, Carmen. She's quite powerful, and we need her on our side."

I stared at the woman who was standing in the distance. She was beautiful in a severe way. Thin and pale with high cheekbones, sunken eyes, and arched eyebrows, like a supermodel walking the line between glamorous and malnourished. Her hair was glossy black, swept up in a intricate side braid with flint and arrowheads weaved into it. It was a braid I couldn't master without looking as if I were in preschool. Her haughty expression seemed to say: I'm much too cool to even look at you.

There was nothing glamorous about her clothes though. She was decked in army capri's and a black tank. Several knifes hung from her belt. A quiver was strapped to her back and her bow looked like a serious weapon.

Most disturbing of all, she seemed to be waiting for us.

"Your noisy." She complained. "I could have killed you a dozen times already."

I glanced at Kingston then back at the girl. "Um... thanks. I mean for not killing us and all."

She scoffed. "What do you want." She asked looking bored.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. "We need help. We need your seeing power to tell us where that kodex is." King said.

She licked her lips and put a hand on her hip. "And why would I do that?"

"Uh, duh, because Sorian is planning on destroying it!" She was testing my patience and almost always failed tests.

"Look at me girl! I'm the warrior! I've killed thousands of men, single handedly! I've lived since before the human race existed, and I want you to know that I don't take sass from no one!" She pointed a finger at me.

"Any one" I silently corrected. Her eyes flared bright red. "Don't mess with me girly! I'll pull your pretty little hair out from your head!" She yelled.

"She needs therapy!" I not so subtly whisper-yelled to Kingston.

His eyes widened. "Carmen!" He hissed. "No helping! We need her!"

Peppers eyes immediately turned back to their ice blue color and she flipped her hair
"You so totally need me!" She scoffed.

Ahh, so that's her weakness. Pride.

King sent me desperate looks, silently pleading that I shut my trap. I mentally rolled my eyes. I would do more than shut my trap, I would do the whole thing for him! He's so lucky to have me!

"You know what! Your right, we do need you!" I exclaimed. "How could I have been so blind!? Your so smart and beautiful and creative!"

That's right Carmen, lather it on.

"And you are just too good for us. Will you help us?" I asked.

She seemed to enjoy me practically bowing down and kissing her combat boots. She shifted and pretended to think. I snuck a look at king who looked quite happy.

"On one condition."

His face fell. "You let me go with you." I gasped. "What!? Uh, I mean what?"

"You let me go with you" she repeated in a "duh" tone.

I swallowed. "But, but why!? I mean its really not that great out there."

She smirked. "I haven't been in a war for ages, let alone a fight like this. I want to go with you, and you will let me or your precious kodex will stay hidden."

This time I really did roll my eyes. "Fine" I groaned.

She smiled. "You really are weak" she commented.

Right. I'm the weak one.


Pepper was in the middle of the room, her forefingers and middle fingers on her temples. Her hair had been let down from its braid and was now floating in a invisible wind around her head. Spears of electric energy shot across her dark hair as is flowed around her. Her crimson red aura blazed around her as she tried to concentrate.

The rest of us stood anxiously around her.

"Give me my bloody space!" She muttered.

We all took three steps back and continued to watch her. After a few more minuets she opened her eyes and her arms dropped to her sides. Her aura dimmed to a little red glow around her and her hair dropped down her back.

She collapsed into a nearby chair and rested her head on the table. She stayed that way for a while. Finally I became impatient and poked her cheek.

"Hello? Its not nap time, its show and tell" I said

Her head shot up and she looked at me with her searing red eyes. "My powers take a lot of energy!"

Kingston slowly approached and I could see him cringing. "Did you find the kodex?" He asked.


"Well, could you tell us where it is!?" Blitz asked annoyed.

She groaned dramatically. "Its in his office somewhere, I couldn't tell where though."

I rolled my eyes. "Ooook" I turned to king. "When do we leave?"

"In two days." He said. "We need time to regain energy."

"Yes. Energy" peppers muffled voice came from the table.


I was three and looking forward to a good night of sleep. i stumbled down the hall sleepily and opened my bedroom door.

My eyes snapped open wide. "What are you doing!?" I asked, afraid of the answer.

Pepper sat next to the dresser, arranging various camo clothes in the drawers. She looked at me. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm training elephants to preform in the circus!" She answered in her British accent.

I rolled my eyes. "Right. I don't do well with roomies. Get!" I said jabbing a thumb towards the door.

She looked at me. "Uh, no. I can't sleep with the boys and Aisling's room has on lay one bed. My only other option is," she looked me over in disgust. "You"

I glances towards the bunk bed. And groaned.

"Whatever" I mumbled. I stomped to the dresser and pulled out some Niki shorts and a black tee then I walked to the bathroom to change. My bare feet slapped against the cold tiles as I shut the door.

After I showered, changed, brushed my teeth and gargled for a full minute, I entered the room only to find a snoring warrior cuddled against my favorite blanket.

Great. Thanks so much, Kingston O'Malley!

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