chapter 3

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"Hurry!" Aisling yelled through the halls. "We don't have time!" Genuine fear laced her voice.

I stuffed articles of clothes into the bid backpack.

I slung it over my shoulders and grabbed peppers hand. "Come on."

We raced through the dark halls holding onto each other in fear.
Then my small form plowed into a huge rock hard chest. I looked up so high my neck ached. A guy with a shiny bald head and pure black eyes looked down at me.

"Ow" he said in a deep voice. The sound held no emotion.

I waved my fingers at him. "Hey!" I said in a weak voice.

He pulled out a pistle and aimed it at me.  "You better run girlie. I have impeccable aim"

"Ok" pepper squeaked. She tugged me hard but I stood still. "If we run he'll just chase us. We gotta do something." I said, surprising every one in the room by my calm voice.

"Your loco" pepper whispered. I looked at her. "You have a frikin crossbow!" I said.

She cowered behind me "Nah that was just for show" her voice quivered.

I pulled a thin, ornately carved, Ruby wand I had stuffed in my shirt. I pointed it at the guys head and said "back away from the insanely hot girls and put your hands behind your head"

The tiniest of smiles formed on the mans lips. My awakened sight allowed me to see the individual cracks in the hardwood floor as well as the tiny lines at the edges of the mans face. It also allowed me to see the guys fingers tighten, pulling the trigger on the gun.

Without thinking I fired the wand at the man. Vivid red light shot through the room, lighting it up and forcing me to close my eyes.


The word flew through my mind and I heard a thump against the wall and a gunshot that followed.

I swiveled to see a hole in the drywall of the house. Pepper was cowering in the corner, fearing for her life. The red dimmed but all I could see was blinding white light, sparkling my vision. At first I thought it was the after image of the red light but then I realized it was my aura. Ice white light flowed around my body, giving me a ghostly appearance.

The man got up and stumbled, then pushed out his hand aiming badly. His eyes held the blank stair you get when your dizzy or blinded by a camera flash.

A gray sphere of energy flew across the hall, gaining energy as it got closer. With my awakened senses, time slowed, I could hear the fireball come, I could smell the electric ozone on the air, I could see with precision how the grey whisps of hot fire swirled around, never the same way as before.

It gave me time to dodge. I twisted and it seemed as if I moved in slow motion. I thought I had gotten away when the ball exploded against my shoulder. numbing heat filled my arm. The pain didn't hit full force yet and I had time to throw a spell at the man.


Another blast of light hit the guy and he fell to the floor. He writhed in pain, his limbs flailing. His face went pale and his skin turned a clammy white color. It really was a disturbing sight.

Pain was starting to course through me. "Pepper!" My voice came out weak. "Help.. help!" I screamed.

She jumped to her feet and herded me to the door. Blitz came running to me. "Carmen!"
The pain made me dizzy. I stumbled around, bumping into walls and almost tripping on the floor. Black filled my vision and I couldn't see. This time I really fell to the ground.

"Blitz!?" I asked. Strong arms scooped me up and held me close and I instantly knew it was blitz. I wrapped my arms around his and held close, scared as heck. "I can't see a-and... m-my arm hurts." I Whimpered.  

"Your fine princess, we gotta go, there's more golems coming" the last part was meant for pepper.

Golems? Like clay men? I felt myself going down stairs then heard panicked voices.

"You'll be fine princess, you'll be fine" blitz soothing voice whispered in my ear. A car door slammed and the car shot foreword.

I had almost relaxed when hot searing pain rushed down my arm. Sharp needle like pricks jabbed at my fingertips. Then ache like I'd never experienced settled deep in my bones.

"AHH" I arched my back and twisted, trying to make the hurting stop. "She not doing great Kingston!" Blitz worried voice elevated.

My sight was still gone and multicoloured spots danced behind my eyelids. Pain became so bad, so unbearable at this point.

Is this what its like to die? Am I dying!? I don't want to die! I thought.

Then all senses, sight, hearing, tasting, feeling, shut down and I began to sleep in the back of the car.

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