Before The Rain: Clouds

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Please note that this fanfiction is taking place during season 5 and the beginning of season 6. 

I had not watched season 8 episode 23 when I wrote this. So Nathaniel is in no way working for Naomi, or is even looking like that character. They are two separate entities and are not related in ANY way.

I invite you to respect the readers who have not yet finished Supernatural by not commenting spoilers, unless if you mention it first. Example: *Spoiler* [enter spoiler about seasons 7-8-9-10-11]. 

Also, this story will be updated regularly every two days.

Thank you very much for giving this story a try. I hope you love it.


The cupid looked away from the young couple now kissing each other. His work was done here. He smiled contently and walked away. He had not been assigned to another couple yet, so he had some free time. Free time he used to find new victims ready to fall prey to his arrows.

He hummed one of his favorite songs as he walked around the town of Madison. It was quite late, so not a lot of people were outside by this hour. However, he did not abandon his task and deepened his research. After a quick look at the area he was in, he only found two individuals which were linked by Fate.

He reached the main street and continued a little bit, until he got to the entrance of a small café. Its bright lights created a weird contrast with the darkness of its surroundings. He glanced through the window, observing with interest the duo chatting in the small restaurant, empty except for those two.

The first seemed to be a waiter, wearing a black uniform, and the other was finishing a cup of coffee, laughing at the things his friend said. The two young men seemed to be having fun in the deserted café, at a time you would expect them to be asleep.

Yet they did not seem too rebellious, or out of place in this dark night. They were just... there. The whole café looked like it was open only for the two of them. The calm atmosphere of the place was broken by their exclamations and laughs, but then again, it felt right. Like they belonged there, alone with each other. Isolated from the world, but never actually alone.

The cupid smiled as he saw the feelings they bore for each other. If one still thought it was simply affection and friendship, the other was way head over heels even if he was denying it. They didn't need help from him. They both were already doing fine on their own.

The cupid shot one last glance at the young men and disappeared, knowing those two would eventually end up together. It was just a matter of time.

Or so he thought.

He didn't know that one of them was part Winchester, and that trouble always followed that family.

He didn't know that one of them was a fallen angel, still hunted by his kindred at this day.

Oh, their story was sure going to be interesting...

If they both managed to live through it.

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