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One April afternoon the beginning of spring break a tall blonde haired man sat on the couch eating cheerios. Another man this time a shorter black haired man and he was on the phone. "OK bye mom." The brown haired man said as he hanged up his phone and put it down. He looked at the blonde haired boy."hey cody I'm going to see my parents this weekend." The brown haired man said. Cody looked at him "OK Dakota. I wish I I could see my brother but he has work and all that stuff." Cody said. Dakota looked at cody and smiled and looked at the tv. "What are you watching?" Dakota asked. Cody opened the TV Gide.
" read it ." cody said jokingly. Dakota read it.
" nothing interesting well I have a long day tomorrow I better start packing." He smiled. He went off to the closet and got a bag and started packing.

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