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Restlessly trying to sleep in the nursery a kit half dreams, of a tunnel, padding through it she comes into a beautiful cavern with ruins of something within it. "Hello young one" a raspy voice sounds. "Who are you and where am I?" The kit stammers. They called me Frostfire, and this is the former home of what the clans call The Gone the she-cat replies and asks, would you like to hear a story?, she asks. "Yes,"the kit eagerly replies.

"Once this was a thriving valley of peace and much prosperity and we lived here in these caverns and protected this place from those who sought to do it harm. Moons upon moons went by and lifetimes with them and we lived in peace with the cats and other creatures of this valley. If there was a problem with a Fox, badger, or other cats we would simply talk to them and if that didn't work we used force to remove them from this land. All shared prey together and lived in harmony. But sadly as all things do it came to an end when everyone began fighting one another when the prey ran even more scarce than ever before and we couldn't possibly settle the problem. So we watched sadly from above as they battled fiercely over pretty much nothing. A fire broke out and destroyed a good part of the valley killing cats and prey alike but still they fought on, perhaps even more fiercely than before. One day after the fighting had settled down to simple skirmishes between a few cats here and there over prey, many other cats came from a place far away and settled here and began forming groups in which they operated much like your clans today. However this was not without several bloody battles in itself, after which they split into more groups which became your clans that you have today. After this we dissapeared to those that lived in this valley and became more of a legend than realitity. Some of the loners outside your clans still pass down stories of us and await our return." She finishes. "Where did you go," the kit asks? "That is not my story to tell you, perhaps the answer is here amongst these walls, but no-one has found this place in all these years" she answers. The kit falls alseep and she pads away and looks to the stars.

Maybe just maybe one day we'll meet again, For now sleep well and dream of the days come and gone, worry not of the night's to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2016 ⏰

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