~Paper Trails~

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Yes, I'm alive!

No, I haven't been kidnapped, murdered, turned into a psychopath and flown out of the country to buy all the plush toys in the world in order to rule the Earth or anything outrageous of the sort, so let me just assure you that this isn't my captor/murderer/psycho inner self currently writing book reviews (Or is it...?)

I've just been AWOL. And I'm not part of the military so I have no friggin' clue what that means, but let's roll with it.

Right. I have here another book review that was requested ages ago (I'm sorry it's so late :'( ), which has been in my drafts for... I don't even know. Months probably.

. . .

Title: Paper Trails

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Title: Paper Trails

Author: Homely8

Genre: Teen Fiction

Brief Summary:

"Fifteen-year-old Aurora Riley has been sheltered beneath a veil of money and insecurity for her entire life.

She considers herself the runt of the litter - of her two sisters and older brother, she finds herself small, insecure and painfully shy. When a tragic event leaves the four siblings orphaned, they are sent to live with their wealthy Uncle Quinton in a town they've never been to before. Now starting at a new high school, Aurora is emotionally unstable and unprepared to face a building full of new people. Restless, she leaves in the middle of the night with no destination in mind.

An innocent walk slaps Aurora with the reality that Port Ashton is nothing like her old town, and dangerous people roam its nights. An enigmatic skateboarder in a black hoodie becomes her saviour, but she barely sees his face.

When she meets seventeen-year-old Griffin Salazar, she swears she knows him. The two unlikely teenagers are brought together by fate, but Griffin isn't who he seems to be, and Aurora finds herself thrust into a world where she doesn't belong."


It's great! My first thought was of Paper Towns honestly XD But yeah, it ties well with the book. Sorta-kinda mysterious and sounds like an amazing symbol found in the book (Recent edit: Which, by the way, I recently discovered my little symbol hypothesis was correct for the most part. Go me lol.) Awesome! 

What you could do to make it better: I think it's super amaze-balls. Nevertheless, if you would like to change it for whatever reason, be my guest.


It's great! It leads you to believe that this is some kind of badboy-goodgirl kinda thing, y'know? (Which it is in some sense) Not bad, my friend. Not bad at all. The fact that the guy in it is wearing a hoodie while also smoking depicts Griffin, physically, very well. (Recent edit:  Sooo I noticed you changed your cover, which makes this ununderstandable -I don't think that's a word but whatever, you get me (I hope XD)- and totally irrelevant, I guess. Let's try again: I love it. From the boy and the hat to the skateboard, everything ties amazingly well with Griffin's appearance. The title is easily readable and your name is clearly visible, that's good. The black outline makes it look, in my opinion, all fancy-schmancy, and I mean that in a good way. It's amazing how a simple black line can make everything look so much better. Great job on this.)

What you could do to make it better: Maybe think about adding Aurora into the picture? (Lol that's funny. Pun not intended, I swear.) The whole book mainly focuses on the both of them and their struggles so one would think that both of them should share the spotlight in the cover. But then again, Griffin alone looks great as well. In the end, it's all your decision.

~Brief summary~

I commend you on it overall. Gives the reader a general idea of what the novel is about while also being eye-catching. So great, that's exactly what we want a brief summary to be. Grammar and spelling is flawless, yay. I feel like it's a little too vague, though. Kinda short for my taste but changing it is entirely up to you, obviously.

What you could do to make it better:  You could always make it a tad longer. More descriptive. It's great if you leave it the way it is though, since it's what everyone would expect from a little blurb describing a lengthy book.


Unique. With unexpected twists and turns. Guaranteed to make everyone hooked. The whole book has me on the edge on my seat whenever I start reading. There's just something about the way it is written, maybe the special plot, the way things are described, I don't know. It's just perfect.

What you could do to make it better: N.O.T.H.I.N.G. In all honesty, cross my heart and hope to die -- It couldn't be any better. The path you are taking for this book is distinctive. Like they say it in McDonald's: I'm lovin' it.

~Grammar and spelling~

I can see you struggle with neither grammar nor spelling. My work here is done XD

What you could do make it better: Ehhh, no comment.

~Book parts~

The ideal length to keep all readers hooked (and checking their notifications to see if there's an update literally every five minutes). I speak from experience.

What you could do to make it better: You already know what I'm going to say, so I'm not even going to bother XD


I. NEED. MORE. GIVE. ME. MORE. WOMAN. Ahem, basically how I feel about the whole book. The addiction is real, man. Flawless grammar and spelling, many yummy descriptions, well-developed characters, unique plot, eye-catching cover. The whole combo. 

I would rate this a ten out of ten, for real.  

Remarkable work. Like, deserves-a-standing-ovation good.

(I'm still waiting for that update as well! XD)


Did this help at all? Please let me know in the comments.

Any questions, concerns, anything? Comment them also lol.

School recently started and you know what that means: I won't be updating very often. Please know that I am trying my best over here. But high school is such a pain in the butt X(

*Sigh* Anywho. 


-Nat <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2016 ⏰

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