#1 How you met

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Derek Morgan
You were sitting in your favorite coffee shop waiting for you good friend Penelope. You look down at your watch and see that she is about 10 minutes late. Just when you were about to forget about it, she walks into the coffee shop. She had a tall, built man with her. Penelope smiled brightly as she walked towards you along with her friend. She gave a big hug and then introduced her friend. "This is my very good friend that I told you about!" She says giving you that look. He extends his hand out for you to shake it, " Hi. I'm Derek, it's nice to meet you. Garcia has told me a lot about you." All you could do was smile and nod. Penelope made the gesture for us to sit down as she began one of her stories. Normally, you are both really good at listening to her but neither of you could stop thinking about each other. Occasionally, the two of you would look at each other and giggle. By the end of the day, you knew he was going to cause trouble.

Aaron Hotchner
You were running late and frantically trying to get through the park to get to the coffee stand and then try to get to the office on time. You were about half way through the park and decide to look at your watch and check the time. Right as you looked down someone ran into you and you dropped your bag. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry." You say reaching for your bag. "Oh no, it's my fault says the man. That when you really looked at him, he was really cute. You blushed a little as he helped you up. "Look I'm really sorry, I was running and I didn't see you..." You cut him off, "No! You're fine. I mean if I was looking where I was going..." You both giggle. "My name is Aaron, by the way." He says extending his hand towards you, you take and tell him your name. "Hi, I'm (y/n)." You blush a little when your hands meet. You both said your good byes and often ran into each other at the park. Or in other words would intentionally be there to talk.

Spencer Reid
You were just boarding your plane to go to New York for your new book signing. The flight attendants directed you to a seat and you sat down feeling extremely tired. You had been so busy trying to finish your book and now everyone wants you to fly around and sign a million copies. You were exhausted, but this was one of the last ones. When you were situated in your seat you notice that your row is empty. Hm... Nice quiet flight all by myself you thought. Just then a man asked came and said that he sat by you. You stand up to let him in and the whole awkward scoot and slide thing happened. Neither of you said a word until the plane was actually up in the air. But the whole time that you two were silent you couldn't stop taking a few glances over to him. He was really handsome and he looked so cute in his flying outfit. After a few minutes of the silence you notice he is reading your book! You lean over and say, "Oh that's a great book! Do you like it?" He looks at you and says, " Yea, I do. I uh really like how the author uses childish things to explain real problems in the world today and how..." He goes on for a while and you just sit and listen to him for a while. Sometimes he would ask you a question and you'd answer, but he did most of the talking. "By the way, my name is Dr. Spencer Reid." He say giving you a small and awkward smile. You let out a small laugh and say, "Hi my name is (y/n) (y/l/n)." You say smirking at him. Spencer's while face lights up and then quickly turns red. You blush a little at the sight. "Oh god... You must think I'm crazy now or something..." He says shyly. Quickly you tell him the you find it flattering and then you both continue to talk the whole flight. When you land you exchange phone numbers and agree to meet up to discuss another book. The whole cab ride to the hotel you thought of him. Spencer is so smart and so cute, but he doesn't seem like the one for romance... I guess will just have to change that.

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