...Hey Everyone

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Um, hi guys. I'm not really sure how to start this off but I wanted to explain that when I post in here at least fifteen to twenty questions will be put down, all questions you guys want to know about me or on my books, whichever your curious about. I could write more questions down if it fifteen or twenty isn't enough. I'm not very particular on the questions you all ask me, just know I'm a nervous wreck who is self conscious so be wary of that.

Uhm lets see what else..... You guys could even ask for some pictures? Like for example I take a photo of one of my pets or of the scenery of where I live, don't ask anything to creepy of course. Creepy Pasta yes, creepy towards me no. Or you know, you could like put a number and I'd put the picture in my gallery that is that number? I have no idea.

I might even do some rants on here, so yeah.

This book is pretty much just for you guys, so suggestions for this book or others are welcomed. And fair warning, I have a huge potty mouth that I try to keep out of my recent books so in this there kind of won't be a leash on it. Just wanted to make sure people knew that just in case.

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