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***So guys the end is near...I do have another ending written for this story so once this ending is over I will post the alternative ending. ***

As I woke up I felt that my pillow was still damp from crying so much earlier in the night. I could feel the dried up tears still sticking to my face. Matt and Ryan probably thought I was such a cry baby now.
But I loved him...I still do...Mark was my everything, he was the reason why I woke up every day so happy that I actually woke up...
But now, for the first time, he was the reason why I woke up and I really wished I hadn't...
The sleep in my eyes and dried tears had almost glued my eyelids shut so I exhaustedly pulled the warm fuzzy covers off of me and drearily walked to the bathroom in my room to splash some water on my face hoping it would wake me up a bit and get the sleep and tears off of my eyes and face.

As I was rinsing my face off I heard voices coming from the living room. It was just Matt and Ryan. I dried my face off with a towel that was neatly folded on a wooden chair in the corner of the bathroom. I had started to brush my teeth when I heard one of the people talking say my name and curiosity got the better of me and I wanted to go see what they were saying about me.

I quickly got changed and sorted my hair out then walked out the room and headed down the hall towards the living room. As I opened the door and entered the room both Matt and Ryan looked up and immediately stopped talking about whatever it was they were talking about.

"Ehh guys what were you talking about?" I questioned as they looked at me both with an almost guilty look on their faces. Matt was the one who spoke first.
"Ohh eh nothing important...Just...em just talking about stuff..." he said looking at the ground. Before Ryan had a chance to tell be some bullshit excuse I heard the main bathroom toilet flush. I saw the panic then spring onto their faces.
I heard Ryan say something under his breath. "Shit."

They walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of cereal each.
"Guys. Who is in the bathroom?" I asked. My voice filled with panic and anger.
They were silent, Matt took an awkward spoonful of corn flakes and ate it. Ryan just looked at him then at me.
"FUCK SAKE JUST TELL ME!." I yelled not meaning it to be so loud,  but it was more of a shaky, upset kind of yell and not an angry yell. It still caused them to get a fright and put their bowls down. They still never answered me out of panic and that's when I heard the bathroom door open and the footsteps began towards the living room.

The living room door slowly opened and a familiar figure walked into the room. God, I wished it was someone I didn't know...
First, he looked over at Matt & Ryan who were awkwardly eating their cereal. But then his chocolate brown eyes met my cold, watery blue ones. I was trying so hard not to cry at the sight of him.
Why did I still want him? Even after everything that happened? I just wanted to run over to him, hug him and never let go...But at the same time, I just wanted to punch him in the face...It was hard and we just looked at each other for what felt like forever.

"Jack. Please. Just listen-" Mark softly said as he stepped towards me. I couldn't handle it. The emotions hit me all at once like an unexpected butterfly being hit by a train. That's when the salty tears began to form, not wanting Mark to see me cry over him I shoved passed him and ran straight to my bedroom, hoping that no one would follow me. I reached the room and I slammed the door shut.

I stood up at the door and ran my hand shakingly through my hair. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK! What is WRONG with you Jack!?" I yelled to myself I as I began to hyperventilate. I was a complete mess...All because of 1 guy...One stupid, pathetic, but amazing guy.
I collapsed on the floor beside my bed and pulled my knees up to my chin and just cried my eyes out. If anyone saw me right now they would think I was so fucking stupid...Especially Mark.


I heard someone yelling in the living room as I began to wash my hands. The voice could only be one person. Jack's. I opened the bathroom door and walked towards the living room door, fearing the worst. I paused and took a deep breath before slowly beginning to open the door to the living room.

I don't know what I was expecting. A slap in the face? For him to start yelling at me? 

I looked at Matt & Ryan. Then at him. The minute I looked at him he looked at me. His eyes were so blue but I could see how watery they had become...I could tell he just wanted to cry and I wanted to cry with him. We just continued to look at each other...It felt like forever...

"Jack. Please. Just listen-" I finally said, but before I had the chance to finish my sentence Jack pushed passed me and ran to the bedroom slamming the door shut after.

I looked back at Matt & Ryan who were still eating cereal, I cleared my throat and walked over to them.
"You guys think I should-" they cut me off. "Yes." The both said in unison.

I nodded and began to walk towards the door. I paused. "You guys don't think me and Jordon were up to anything sexual do you?" I asked.
Matt shrugged his shoulders and got up to put his bowl in the sink.
"I don't know dude...I really don't. You 2 have been pretty close lately so I understand why Jack would think what he does. Especially after he told us what happened last night." Matt said washing his bowl.

"Yeh. Like dude you answered the door in your was he not meant to think something happened between you and Jordon..." Ryan added on. 

I took my hand off the door handle and went back to Matt and Ryan. "Nothing happened between us. I tried explaining to Jack but he ran away...Jordon was over cause I needed a friend. I was upset about Jack hanging up on me. We were watching a film and he was giving me advice on what I should do. You two should know by now how much I love that Irish bastard. I fucking love him so much. I would give up everything in my life just to be with him..." I looked at them and sighed.

"Mark. Go tell him that...We're not the ones you need to convince, he is." Ryan said as he passed Matt his bowl. I walked back over to living room door and opened it.

"Good luck Mark. I hope he realizes how much you love him. I think you two would be amazing together." Matt said as I walked out the door.

As I walked down the hallway. I knew the bedroom Jack was in was at the very end so I began to walk slowly to give me more time to try and figure out what to say. I soon ran out of hallway. I had reached the last room. I took a deep breath but just as I was about to knock on the door and enter I heard Jack.

He was crying.

** Yes I'm on purposely ending this chapter here because I wasn't ready for this to be the last ever chapter xD
But the next chapter will definitely be the last. Still trying to decide which of the endings I have written will be the CANON ending and which will just end up being the unofficial ending.
And as always thanks again for all the support on the other chapters. I love you guys!
Peace Out Peeps xoxo ✌🏻️

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