Part 3

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They arrived in the town "lets speak with the man who hired us" she said. "alright" Bickslow replied the two heading towards the house with the given address. Bickslow knocked on the door an a young lady answered. "Hello is this the Lamirez household?" Christina asked "um yes are you from fairy tail?" the woman asked timidly. Christina noticed the scars on the girls hands and bruises on her face. "yeah" Christina said lifting her shirt up and turning around revealing her fairy tail emblem. Bickslow stuck out his tongue "p-please come in" the girl stuttered. Christina and Bickslow entered the building the woman took them to a study. She knocked "what is it?" the man nearly growled "Master the wizards from fairy tail are here" the woman said through the door "send them in" he replied the girl pushed the doors open allowing the two entry. "please have a seat" the man had a Cheshire like smile on his lips. The two were debriefed on the job before leaving the building. "Lets get this done and head home" Christina said "I don't like that guy he gives me the creeps" Bickslow said. "I know what you mean" she mumbled.

The two quickly arrived at the place they needed to get to. "alright were here" she said walking towards the doors "right, after this lets get something to eat" Bickslow said. "Sounds like a plan to me" she said lifting her hands letting a large gust of wind knock the doors open. "Alright Babies! Get em!" Bickslow said "get em!" the wooden dolls replied in sync before large green blasts left each of them. The two worked back to back until they had taken down almost everyone in the building. "Lets head upstairs" she said "Right" Bickslow said the two ran up the stairs. Kicking the door in sync she watched as the man turned around a solid smirk on his lips. "So that bastard backed out and hired you two to come take me down" he said. "I don't know about some deal but we're finishing this so we can go home" Bickslow said. The man laughed before he was silenced by Christina's magic. A full out battle broke out between them. "This is the end" Christina said bringing her fist down on him. He wobbled before falling over "Looks like we took care of business" Bickslow stated "indeed lets get our payment and return to the guild" Christina stated adjusting her shirt "we'll be just in time for the S trials" Bickslow stated. "oh your right" Christine replied "What do you think the master is gonna make the 'contestants' do this year?" Bickslow asked "Master Makarov was telling me about getting the S class wizards to have a brawl against the 'contestants'" Christina replied "does that mean you'll be participating?" Bickslow asked "I guess if we do in fact make it in time" she said. Bickslow nodded a bit before they approached the building from before knocking the same girl from before answered she brought them back to the study where the man was still sitting at him desk. They were paid and decided to get dinner and then catch the train. The two walked into a diner and sat down "what do you want to eat?" she asked. Bickslow shrugged looking at the menu the two ordered their food and agreed to eat on the train since it look longer than expected they walked to the train station. "oh good the train hasn't left yet" she said. He smiled "come on lets get on the train before we miss it and have to stay in a hotel" Bickslow said. Christina nodded the two jumped onto the train just before it was going to leave. Finding a seat they ate in silence just watching out the window. A quiet hum escaped her lips as she finished her food placing the garbage into the bag. She glanced at Bickslow who was just finishing his food. taking his garbage she placed it into the bag. "Bickslow" she said softly he looked at her "why do you wear that helmet all of the time?" Christina asked. Bickslow paused "I'm sorry I don't mean to pry I was just wondering is all" she said. He looked at her "It's fine we're friends so I don't mind telling you" He replied. "you know how I can take control over someone's body just by looking them in the eye right?" he asked she nodded in response "I've gained to ability to control it better but back when I first got the ability I wasn't able to control it" he explained "I guess I've just gotten used to wearing it" he said. "you know I've always loved the colour of your eyes" she mumbled. "what was that?" he asked she looked up at her "I-it was nothing" she replied looking back out the window. "Since we're asking each other questions I hope you don't mind my asking how did you get the scar across your lips" Bickslow asked "I was attacked by a Vulcan during training when I was 7" she said looking up at him. "really? I always though Vulcans had a thing for girls" Bickslow replied "well, yeah but not when you hit it in the junk" she said. Bickslow laughed his 'babies' laughing with him "that's hilarious" he said. She laughed a bit "glad someone thinks it's funny" she said in a teasing tone.

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