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There are different gods in the different parts of the heavens. Each one has their own way of dealing with others not their kind. One of the gods however, rules harshly than the others and members of the heavens though sometimes oppressed cannot go against him until a Lumena did.

"Thy faith Lumen hast been written. By the heavens o'er the name of thy gods thou art relieved of thy duties and banned to enter tis kingdom for all eternity. For whosoever sides with him shall go with him, effective immediately."
-The Order of the Heavens

The words echoed like roaring thunders and scary flashes of lightning during a storm. Before anyone could utter a word, all are banished into the depths of the newly created realm.

A Lumena once dared to defy the order of a god, his name is Lumen, guardian of the virtue, kindness. His god to serve was Loke, cleanser of sins. One day the god sent his servant to perform a cleansing ritual on an island but no Lumenas on sight can be used, having seen Lumen without a thing to do, he assigned it to him.

"I'm sorry our god, but that would be a mass massacre, I can't perform the ritual. My duty does not fit for your orders dear god."

Lumen humbly declined.

"You dare mock a god you servant. Do my bidding as I see fit or I shall strip you off of your post."

Loke was angry, not one single Lumena ever defied him or the other gods, but this one is different.

Lumen remained calm despite the threat he just heard, instead it fueled his desire to rule in the heavens, to be the god of all gods, the one to give the orders. He seeks revision.

The feud between Loke and Lumen resulted in an uprising against the heavens.

Lumen lead a troupe called MeA (short for Misericordia et Amore), the Lumenas of compassion and love. Though not all members, but just enough to make the messengers Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, and Uriel to form a temporary alliance to eliminate the once most kindest Lumena, Lumen.

It may seem to others that Lumen's victory is clear as water, but the strength of the heavens, the gods and the Lumenas beside them are enough to destroy a vast army in a short period of time. After all, it was a quantity versus quality.

The Order of the Heavens, the decree for Lumen and his troupe's original punishment was to dwell in the mortal realm and labeled, The Fallen, but seeing as they are of no flesh, hell was created then.

Corruption, lust, eternal damnation, torture, and so much more negative energies in the newly created realm coexisting with The Fallen, former Lumenas, now Tenebrisans. Hell was the dump site for tainted souls, too tainted to be granted honor to enter the gates of the heavens and be reborn as a Lumena.

In hell, Lumen faced his punishment-torture. He lived through it all, because of his strength, he became the Lord of the Underworld and named himself Luci.

Yet, the heavens couldn't let go of Lumen now Luci, as his use in the heavens was incomparable, hence they allowed his leadership granted that he would do the recycling of the souls.

The recycling process takes too long and too slow, some of the Tenebrisans wanted out, they repented, pleaded, felt guilty of their deeds, realizing that accompanying Luci was a mistake.

This made Luci in full rage. The result, recycling process in its worst form.

Now Luci wants more power, but no crack in hell would grant him passage except for his minions. So he made a plan, to use them for his own benefit.

His actions alarmed the heavens and the gods, send the Lumenas to protect them and the mortals, secretly.

Luci fails miserably, every war they'd raise, he can never win, he even sponsored a cold war so mortals would be by his side.

With repetitive loses, he thought of dealing his cards right on the next war.

"On the sixth day of the sixth month, after the sixth hundred year death anniversary of the wisest king Solomon, a blood moon will rise, granting a maiden the power to command 72 of the strongest Tenebrisans."

The premonition that is his ticket to success. On that day he shall be the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end, and will rule all realm. For now he'll let them win, but not for long.

Luci Has Fallen, AgainWhere stories live. Discover now